6 Pieces Of Content All Gym Owners Should Make To Increase Trust & Stand Out From The Competition!

Coach Sahil
21 février 2023 2 minutes de lecture

If you run your own facility, then allow me to ask you a simple question: Why should a potential customer choose your gym over another? 

Especially if you offer similar services or programming?

If you’re savvy and have done your homework (I’m sure you have), then your answers may include some of the following: 

  • “We have the best prices”
  • “We offer high quality programs at convenient times”
  • “Our staff are more knowledgeable and experienced”
  • “Our location is more accessible than anyone else” 
  • “Our facility and equipment is state of the art” 

And that’s all great. Actually it’s more than great… It’s fantastic! 

But here’s the real kicker: Does your potential customer know about these benefits?  

Better yet, can they find out about these benefits within the first few minutes of browsing your website? 

If the answer is “no” – as it is with about 90% of gyms – then this will be the most important article you read today! 

Because while it’s true that people’s attention spans are at an all time low (latest research says it’s on par with that of a goldfish!) what I’ve experienced as an owner is that people are also more inclined to make buying decisions based on how easily & quickly they can get access to the information they need.

Think about the last time you bought something off a website – whether it’s a product, or a monthly membership to a piece of software.

Chances are that at some point you clicked on one of the following items from their menu:

  • About
  • Pricing
  • Features

And guess what, you’re not alone! Testing has shown that these are some of the most visited sections of a business’s website. 

  • Prospects want to know who you are and what you’re about
  • Prospects want to know the value they’re going to get for the $$ they spend
  • Prospects want clear and transparent pricing without having to jump through hoops

For gym owners, we can add a few more things to the this list: 

  • Prospects want a clear and well laid out schedule
  • Prospects want to know about your staff and whether they are friendly
  • Prospects want to know about the facility & its location to see if it’s easy to get to

So why not make it easy for them? I mean, it only makes sense right? If these are the pieces of information they need before making a purchase decision, then why wait? 

That’s why I’ve created a list of six pieces of content that you need to have on your website to increase trust, increase sales and separate yourself from other gyms!

This is the same list I used when I was a co-owner myself and have recommended it to plenty of other owners who saw great results. 

So here we go…

#1: The FAQ

If you look through your email inbox, chances are you’ll find yourself answering the same questions over and over again. I know we personally had a huge list. So we turned it into an FAQ section which was easily accessible by going to [yourgymwebsite].com/faq – we also made sure all our coaches / employees memorized this link, which saved them the trouble of answering these frequent questions or worse, giving the wrong answer.

Finally, I took things a step further and had my business partner answer these questions on camera and turned it into a short video. This way, our prospects could either watch and listen to all the answers in a row, or choose the specific answers they were looking for on the page.

#2: Gym / Facility Tour

If it wasn’t obvious already, the pandemic has permanently changed the way we do business. This means if something can be done online without leaving the comfort of our homes, we will usually spring for such an option. So don’t force your prospects to walk in by setting up a useless sales appointment. Grab your phone, and record a facility tour so your potential customers can feel like they’ve already “been there” before they visit. 

Give them a feeling of familiarity

If you want to take this a step further, hire a marketing agency to record a 360 virtual interactive tour or grab your most personable / entertaining staff member and let them be the tour guide in the video. This makes your video stand out, and gives them a few extra hours of pay. Win-Win!

#3: About Page

How did your gym get started? What’s your story? What do you stand for? How do you plan on bringing value to your community? 

These may seem like useless questions that no one would care about… but trust me, your prospects definitely care!

While there are some who will simply buy based on price alone, there are plenty of others who are looking for more than just a class (especially if it’s for their child).

They want to know about the tribe and its leader(s). They want to know if your values are aligned with their own. They want to know what you stand for.

All things being equal, people will generally buy from others they trust, support and believe in. So let your business’s history and personality shine.

One of our gym values was excellence – this meant we held everyone to a high standard. While this was a deal breaker for some customers, many came to us because of this fact. 

A good “About” page will not only attract dream clients, but it will repel the ones that cause the most headaches.

Here is the about page for Activity Messenger as an example

#4: Driving Directions & Parking

I remember one of the challenges we faced when we moved our business into a larger facility – our newly paved road hadn’t been picked up by Google or Apple Maps. 

This meant turn-by-turn GPS directions that everyone has come to rely on, were a no-go.

So I did two things which reduced the number of people getting lost and asking questions about our location to near-zero. 

First, I created a simple map graphic that used big arrows to show exactly where our gym is located. This graphic contained other well known businesses in the area (such as a Walmart) to give a sense of where we were. 

This graphic was then sent out to all new sign ups and was also email blasted to our current customer list.

Second, I recorded myself driving to my own gym from one of the most common and well known roads in town. Watching this video literally felt like being a passenger who was being chauffeured to the  gym. You knew when to turn, where to turn, where the entrance was, and where to park. 

Even after our new road was picked up by Google Maps a few months down the line, we kept this piece of content going, and our parents loved it. 

How many times have you tried to visit a facility or a business where the GPS tells you that you’ve arrived… but you still have no idea where to go? 

Save your prospects from such frustration.

#5: A Lead Magnet

Here’s a simple fact of sales that you should remember: It takes anywhere from 5-15 points of contact with a potential prospect before they decide to become a customer. 

While the exact numbers and percentages of this is debatable, the overall fact of the matter is this: Not everyone will buy the first time they come across your business or service. 

This means you need a way to follow up. And to do that, you need to capture your prospect’s email and/or phone number

Now you could simply ask them for this… but that’s too basic. Instead, why not offer them something of value? This is called a lead magnet. Here are a few “magnets” to consider:

  • Discounts (i.e “enter your info to get 10% off your first class!”)
  • Freebies (e.g the free Round Off skill poster for coaches; Click here to check it out)
  • Report / eBook (give away 3-5 of your best pieces of advice; trust me, it’s worth it)
  • Checklist (e.g “to download our back to school shopping checklist for busy moms”)

One of the most successful magnets we used was a Free Virtual class. I had my business partner run a class over zoom and recorded it. Then, when parents were interested in our recreational program but weren’t sure if their child would actually like the class, I’d ask them to take us for a spin in the comfort of their own home by signing up for this Free Virtual Class. 

All they’d have to do is enter their info and play the video on their TV for their child to follow along with. And because I knew my business partner did a great job and that many kids already enjoyed the class beforehand, the parents would inevitably come back with raving reviews and ask how to register!

#6: Testimonials

Establishing trust is one of the biggest factors when it comes to converting a prospect into a customer. You can have all the bells and whistles while offering the best possible price in your city… but if someone doesn’t trust you, those promises will fall on deaf ears. 

And one of the best ways to build trust is through legitimate testimonials. 

If you take pride in your product or service, you should already have plenty of clients that love what you offer. If they haven’t mentioned this to you, simply go ahead and ask them

Too nervous? Not sure how to ask or what to say? 

No worries, I gotchu! Simply copy / past the script below (edit as you feel necessary): 

Title: How are you liking <insert your product or service> so far?

“Hi <Client Name>, I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to touch base with you for two quick reasons: 

First, to thank you for being a customer. Your support really means the World to me and my staff, and we are glad to have you as part of our amazing community. I know you have options, and I’m truly thankful for putting your trust in us. 

Finally, I was wondering if you’d be willing to share your thoughts on <insert your product or service>? I’m looking to grow my business this year, and I’d love to feature some honest testimonials on our website and social media. In return for taking a few minutes of your time, I’d love to offer you <insert an incentive for them>.

To take advantage of this, simply reply to this email with your feedback and I’ll hook you up! 

Have a wonderful day =)

<Your Name>
Owner & Founder of <insert gym name>

P.S – Don’t worry, we won’t disclose any last names, emails or phone numbers in the testimonial. In fact, if you’d like to provide one while being mostly anonymous then just let me know! It’s no problem at all.”


I hope you found this article helpful. I know it may seem like extra work at first, but the time you save down the line along with the increased trust you will build with your prospects will pay for itself in no time!

Plus you can leverage class management softwares like Activity Messenger to not only set up these tasks in mere minutes, but automate them for you!

Click here to book a demo.

Écrit par Coach Sahil Coach Sahil is a Certified Gymnastics Coach out of Canada and the founder of Addicted To Tumbling and TumblingCoach.com — two influential resources that have become the "go-to" destination for coaches, athletes & parents around the World. As a former co-owner of a gym, he was able to constantly refine and update his coaching methods to ensure his athletes made progress in their tumbling quickly and safely, without sacrificing technique or getting mental blocks. He also travels the World providing top notch staff training. Many coaches have been able to use his methods to grow successful tumbling programs in their own right. If you're interested in working with Coach Sahil, please see the links below:

Clinics & Staff Training: www.tumblingcoach.com/clinic
Instagram: @addictedtotumbling
Email: info [at] tumblingcoach [dot] com

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