Form improvements

Martin Drapeau
8 mars 2021 2 minutes de lecture

Forms now have 3 new features your sports & leisure organization will definitely benefit from:

  1. Upload images
  2. Upload video
  3. Second electronic signature

Upload images

You can now ask respondents to upload images. For example a photo of a document.

With the ability to text the form to parents, nothing is easier. Using their smartphone they can both take a picture of the documents and fill in the form at the same time.

Upload a video

You can create a recruitment form and ask applicants to upload a video to introduce themselves. Or you could create an audition form and ask for a vidéo. Just like images, videos can be filmed and uploaded directly from a smartphone.

Note:  Uploading of images and videos in forms is available with the Premium plan. Checkout the pricing page for details.


Second electronic signature

You can now add an optional 2nd signature to waivers and custom forms. Useful to get the teenager to co-sign with their parent.

We hope these improvements allow you to convert more of your standard forms in electronic format. As always write to us if you have suggestions or feedback.

Martin & Olivier

Écrit par Martin Drapeau Martin est l'ancien CTO d'Amilia qui, pendant 6 ans, a contribué à faire passer le produit, la technologie et l'équipe de l'entreprise de 15 à 110 personnes.

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