Focus: repeat tunnels, tuck position


  • Little ones: Squirrels (run to hoop, grab beanbag one at a time, bring back) 
  • Older AS: color match beanbags 
  • School age: Giant's Treasures 

Important Notes: 

Weekly Circuits


  • Highway: Bearwalk up 
  • Vault: Tuck jump off 
  • Cheese: Bear walk down 
  • Foam tower: Break, then build 
  • Red box: Cartwheel 
  • Tunnel 
  • Scooter board: knees on, pull self over 
  • BB + Rainbows: climb up, climb down 



  • Peek-a-boos on squeakers, pull-up jump
  • Bean bag into hula loop 
  • Blue mat bridge: crawl across 
  • Floor beam: jump over snake 
  • P-bars: upside down pike 
  • Floor bar: Front support, climb on 


  • Beam: hold two beanbags out in each hand OR on head 
  • Jump into foam pit 
  • Hold foam and tuck knees to it  
  • TT: Jumping jacks, open-close (feet on blue, feet on white) 

Floor 1

  • Mini Tramp: 3 jumps
  • Rings: swing in tuck 
  • Small cheese: log roll or forward roll 
  • Purple mat: donkey kick 
  • Small BB: jump-jump-freeze
  • Floor beam: ribbons on across
  • Roller: roll forward, match beanbag to hoop

Floor 2

  • Block: hands on floor, walk across
  • Cheese mat: run up, smack mat 
  • Big cheese: log roll or two forward rolls 
  • Cylinder: hands sideways, jump over 
  • Green-blue tunnel: tuck through