DATE: September 29, 2022
LOCATION: Club Aviva
98 Brigantine Drive, Coquitlam
TIME: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
AGENDA: 1. TG Program Assembly
2. Committee Reports
3. Motions
4. Technical Committee Elections
General Information
The GBC TG Program Assembly provides the general direction of the program for the following competitive year. The TGTC will consider all motions and discussions during the assembly to determine the direction. However, it is not bound by motions made during the Assembly.
All attending clubs are required to indicate who the designated voting delegate will be from their organization. To be registered as a designated representative, individuals must complete this form below by Monday, September 19, 2022.
No person will be registered as a voting delegate without this form being completed by the deadline. Each member club may name a maximum of one voting delegate. No votes by proxy are permitted.
Technical Committee Motions
All motions wishing to be presented to the membership must be submitted to the GymBC Trampoline Coordinator ( )no later than Monday September 19, 2022.
Elections will be held at the GBC TG Program Assembly. The Chairperson is elected on even numbered years for a 2-year term. The Coaching Chair and Judging Chair will be elected on the uneven-numbered years for a two-year term. All other members are elected for a one-year term.
All other members are elected for a 1-year term. The Athlete Representative will be nominated and elected by the National level athletes at Canadian Championships. In the case of a vacancy, the TGTC reserves the right to appoint a person to the position.
NOTE: For 2022-2023, the Judging Chair position will be a 1-yr term in order to fill the vacancy created in February 2022. At the 2023 Assembly, the Judging Chair will be elected to a 2-yr term (2023-2025).
Positions for Election – Voting Members
Chairperson 2yr Term (2022-2024)
Judging Chair 1yr Term (2021-2023)
Members at Large 1-year term
(Minimum of 2 / maximum of 4 positions)