Sport Manitoba Coaching offers grants to facilitate the development of coaches and officials at the community level to reduce barriers to be trained and evaluated. Here is how we can help:
**If you are applying for out of province professional development or are hosting an NCCP course, you can contact your provincial sport organization to apply on your behalf for additional funds through the provincial TAF program**
Provincial Sport Organizations - if you are hosting an NCCP course, please complete the TAF form available through Susan Lamboo.
What professional development is eligible?
- National Coach Certification Program (NCCP) sport-specific courses.
- National Coach Certification Program (NCCP) Coach Evaluations - if coach pays full costs.
- Officials training & evaluations approved by the Provincial Sport Organization (PSO).
- Sport Manitoba Coaching, Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) or National Sport Organization (NSO) sponsored or approved professional development.
- First Aid Training
Eligibility Requirement:
All Manitoba coaches must have an active Respect in Sport certification and be a member of their Provincial Sport Organization to receive a coach/ official assistance grant. To complete Respect in Sport or locate your Respect in Sport certification number visit:
What type of expenses are eligible?
- Mileage ($0.45/km). Minimum 40 km (any distance under 40km will not be reimbursed)
- Accommodations (if deemed necessary).
- Meals within the province (If not provided): Breakfast $12.00; Lunch $15.00; Supper $25.00. Daily meal allowance is $52.00 **** no meals will be covered when course is online.
- Course/evaluation fees (excluding Multi-sport NCCP offered through Sport Manitoba Coaching).
How much assistance is available?
Individual Coaches/officials:
- 50/50 cost share between the coach/official and Sport Manitoba Coaching.
- Up to a maximum of $1000.00 per year per sport. (max funding is not guaranteed, it is dependent on number of applications annually)
*If total expenses are over $2000, special considerations may be made.
Organizations on behalf of coaches/officials:
- Apply for up to 10 coach/officials at one time.
When to apply?
Please complete the application form a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your event or course. Any applications past this timeframe may not receive funding. Payment following post-event report may take up to 6 weeks.
How to apply? (Only applications completed in full will be reviewed)
- Complete the required sections of the application form below, including the proposed budget on the last page.
- You will be asked to submit a post-event report upon the completion of the event.
- **If post event is not completed within 1 month following event, you may not receive your funding.
- If you have already attended the event and would like to know if funding is still available, or if you need assistance to complete the application, please contact
Contact to discuss your sport opportunity and any questions regarding the application process.
Unsuccessful applicants may appeal by writing a letter to the Sport Manitoba Coaching Manager , Susan Lamboo at
Sport Manitoba has a privacy policy that protects personal information. Any personal information requested on this application will only be used for the administration of Sport Manitoba Coaching. Applicable information including region, sport, level of certification and total grant amount may be provided publicly for reporting purposes.