Campbell’s Gold honey and beeswax products are produced from the bee colonies living right here on the family farm in Abbotsford, BC, along with the honey we bring in or extract from trusted BC beekeepers with the same commitment to excellence as ourselves. Our bees collect nectar from a number of different local flowering plants including blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, pumpkins, lavender, clover and local wild flowers.
We do a limited number of pollination contracts each year and are always careful to leave our girls enough honey in their hives to survive our unpredictable winters. Nature offers us different quantities and varieties each year which is why we sometimes sell out of a variety until the following year’s honey flow.
Learn more about Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm & Meadery
All orders, and payment must be received in our office NO LATER than December 1, 2021 for processing. The product will delivered to Twisters and we will sort it here. If you have chosen the "charge to my account" option, all payments will be processed at the closing of the fundraiser (December 1, 2021)
Delivery is expected to be received by December 14th, 2021. Just in time for that perfect teachers gift!
Order your favourite locally sourced honey products in time for the holidays! Choose from a selection of Flavoured Honey, Plain Honey, Creamed Honey, Honey Straws, Honey Candies, Lip Balm, Gift Baskets and more.
Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm & Meadery is a family owned diversified farm operation and apiary, based in south west Abbotsford, BC. We are passionate about all things bees, from beekeeping and agri-education, to offering premium beehive products, with a focus on specialty honeys and honey wine production. We welcome visitors of all ages to visit our farm, and are delighted to share our knowledge and passion with you.
Package of 9
Creamed honey is churned honey without additives. The only difference between creamed honey and liquid honey is creamed honey is crystallized.
Assorted sizes
Buckwheat honey is dark, molasses-like, strong tasting honey brought in from Manitoba. It is a highly nutritious honey. The bees work very hard to collect enough nectar from small Buckwheat flowers. It is higher in certain antioxidants as well as being rich in vitamins.
We can dedicate the floral source on our labels because when hives are placed in a large area with the same type of flower, honeybees practice floral fidelity. They orient to a certain flower and will remain true to that flower until it is no longer blooming in their flight area. One little honeybee in the Fraser Valley might produce only 1 gram of honey in her short lifetime (approximately 6 weeks) and visit a few million flowers to do so.
Hot Stuff & Hotter Stuff
Our chilli honeys or jalapeno honey, add zest to any meal. Baste fish, meat, or poultry, use in stir fries, make vinaigrette, use as a side dish or add to your crock pot wings or ribs. A delight when Bar B Q’ing.
Our wide range of creamed and flavoured (C&F) honeys use natural source honey which has been creamed (churned) and mixed with a natural or artificial flavour. They are delightful with coffee, tea, toast, pancakes, waffles, and many make great substitutes for icing sugar when they are drizzled over cakes or muffins.
All soaps have a beeswax and honey base with additional fragrances. Pick your favourite below.
Honey mixed with cream - requires refrigeration
Honey Straws - some are natural source and most are flavoured. Various flavours in bunches of 10 with gold elastic!
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By submitting your order, you understand it is your responsibility to provide payment to the office or you agree to have your payment charged to your account before Friday November 26, 2021.
Delivery is expected to be received by December 14th, 2021. Just in time for the perfect teachers gift.
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© 2025 Twisters Gymnastics Club
32470 Haida Drive - Abbotsford Exhibition Park Gate 1 Building 10 604-850-8500