2025/2026 Coaching Bursaries
Four $500 bursaries are annually awarded to students who have demonstrated a commitment to coaching in Manitoba. Our goal is to encourage students to continue coaching while attending a post-secondary institution.
The bursaries are to be used towards the recipient’s tuition.
Students who are, or will be attending university or college as a full time student as defined by the institution you will be attending for the 2025/2026 regular academic sessions and are currently coaching for a school, club, PSO, or community center are invited to submit an application.
Sport Manitoba Coaching is pleased to offer the following bursary awards***:
- Silvio Sboto Memorial Rural Male & Female Coach Award
- Jeff Collins Memorial Winnipeg Male & Female Coach Award
Silvio Sboto Memorial Rural Coach Award
Silvio Sboto was a dedicated and humble man who started learning judo in the late 50s after immigrating to Canada from his native Peru. He resided in Brandon for the last thirty years where he worked at the Seikeikan Judo Club. Silvio’s coaching philosophy was solidified after he attended a coaching course where he learned more about coaching than he thought possible. His philosophy became, “We learn from each other, we can learn from everyone”. At the time of his passing, Silvio was the chair of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) for Judo Canada. Silvio spent 10 years as an NCCP Theory Course Conductor and attained Level 4 NCCP status. He also had his 5th degree black belt and was a national ‘C’ referee in Judo.
Jeff Collins Memorial Winnipeg Coach Award
Jeff Collins’ expertise earned him a reputation as a coach’s coach. Jeff served as head coach and clinician for the Legion Athletic Camps at the International Peace Garden for 32 years. He taught as a Master Course Conductor for the National Coaching Certification Program. Jeff was always energetic and also worked busily as an administrator. He was the convenor and co-meet director of the MHSAA’s provincial track and field champs from 1984 to 2001. He worked with students, most notably at Grant Park High School, who he admired for their dedication and commitment to track and field. Jeff attained his level 3 NCCP and also worked with world class special needs athletes. In 2003, Jeff was inducted to the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame.
Complete the full application online by Monday, March 31, 2025.
If you have any questions while completing this application, please email scholarships@sportmanitoba.ca.