All clubs participating in the 2023 BC Gymnaestrada event must comply with the protocols set for this event as these rules and regulations are designed for the safety and protection of all participants.
Gymnastics BC (GymBC) requires its participating clubs to complete the Declaration of Compliance Form confirming that all club participants (performers, coaches, chaperones and supporters) have completed the Participant's Informed Consent (Under 18 or 18 & Over) and the Medical Record and Consent Forms, for the 2023 Gymnaestrada event.
- Medical Record & Consent Form (for all participants to complete)
- Participant's Informed Consent - Under 18 or 18 & Over (for all participants to complete)
** In the event of a medical situation does occur on site, a club representative must have immediate access to the participant's Medical Record & Consent Forms. Please ensure you either have printed copies of all of these documents, or access to electronic versions during the event weekend. **
Participating clubs that do not adhere to, or are unable to agree to the terms outlined in this document are not permitted to participate in the 2023 BC Gymnaestrada event.