Thank you for choosing Parry Sound Forest School!
Your child MUST be born in 2020 or older to attend.
8:30-3:00Based on the NNDSB Calendar.
We will hold our last 2 PD Day Camps, April 4 & June 9 at our Canadore site.
8:30-3:00Based on the NNDSB Calendar
This camp is for 5 days only. If you require care for Friday March 7th (NNDSB March Break begins on the Friday), please select the Friday option below as well.
5 Day Camp, Mon March 10-Fri March 15
0 spots left
This camp is for Friday March 7th ONLY.
1 spot left
The location of this camp is TBD. It will be in the Parry Sound Area, within a 15 minute drive of town.
5 spots left
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Please type in your email or mobile number. We will send you a connection code.
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Leave us your coordinates. We will contact you when a spot frees up.
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Your membership is tied to your email address. If you are using the wrong email, your membership will not be detected. You can try disconnecting and connecting using another email address.
If you need further assistance, please write to Please include a screen capture if possible.
© 2025 Parry Sound Forest School
1 College Drive, Parry Sound, ON