Thank-you for considering an activity with the Manitoba Paddling Association. Our priority is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience which fosters a love for paddling and an appreciation for water safety. The significant benefits of our programs include the development of canoe, dragon boat, and kayak paddling skills, increased knowledge of water safety, and enjoyment of outdoor recreation. Paddling is a very safe activity, but there are inherent risks. The risks and means by which we reduce the risks are described below.
Common Risks:
sunburn, blisters, muscle strain, insect bites
- Participants are required to wear appropriate clothing, sunscreen
- Participants receive instruction on safe paddling and are required to follow instructors’ directions
bruises/fractures due to falls, cuts/dental injury/concussion, heat stroke/dehydration, hypothermia
- MPA instructors receive annual safety training including first aid & CPR
- Injury prevention is prioritized
Extremely Rare:
worsening of pre-existing medical condition or allergy, or severe injury from: drowning/near drowning, lightning strike or injury arising from severe weather
- All participants must wear PFDs
- CanoeKayak Canada’s Code of Safety is used to guide safety practices and cessation of activity due to extreme weather
- Participants are required to notify instructors of any significant medical conditions