After you submit this form, GymBC (and its third-party case manager) will determine whether it has the authority to process your complaint/report. One significant factor that will be considered is whether the complaint is made against a person who is (or was) under the jurisdiction of GymBC.
If your complaint is about (mis)conduct/maltreatment that occurred historically, GymBC's current policies will be used to complete your complaint process.
GymBC will do its best to address all complaints promptly and fairly. Anonymous complaints will be accepted by GymBC in its sole discretion, based on the seriousness of the breaches alleged in the complaint and where the complaint discloses sufficient information to reasonably permit the Case Manager to undertake next steps int eh Complaint Management Process.
If you are not sure if your complaint can be addressed through this process, you may ask questions directly to GymBC staff by emailing safety@gymbc.org.
A complainant is the person submitting the complaint. A respondent is the person whose behaviour is the subject of the complaint. Some complaint processes involve multiple complainants and respondents.