Staff Training & Mentorship


Coach Mentorship Session

Choose from 30 or 45 minute time slots - Improve your coaching, set goals and ask questions about how you can become a better coach. Email me if you have nay questions.

Monthly Consulting Packages

All inclusive monthly consulting sessions to help improve the quality of your programs/services, educate your staff and improve your business both professionally and financially. Click here to see the different tier's and what each package includes.

Email me if you have any questions.

Staff Training Clinics

$249 - 2 Hours - Variety of topics to choose from. Email us for more info to get a list of topics. Hourly options availabel if you have something more specific you need. ($129.99/hr)

Business Consulting Session

Consulting sessions to help improve your business both professionaly and finaincially. Set goals, improve the quality of your programs and learn how to properly educate your staff for longevity in your business. 

Email me if you have any questions.

Monthly Consulting Packages

Choose the package that best suits your needs.


Tier 1 - $1650+HST

Staff Training - One Per Month

Unlimited Phone calls & Texts/Emails for business & programming needs

Enhanced Program Quality

Plan to Increase Revenue and/or Enrollment

Better Business/Management Systems

Tier 2 - $1850+HST

Staff Training - One Per Month

Unlimited Phone calls & Texts/Emails for business & programming needs

Enhanced Program Quality

Plan to Increase Revenue and/or Enrollment

Better Business/Management Systems

Class Programming Guidance

Social Media & Marketing Guidance

Back End System Assistance

Tier 3 - $2250+HST

Staff Training - One Per Month

Unlimited Phone calls & Texts/Emails for business & programming needs

Enhanced Program Quality

Increase Revenue and/or Enrollment

Plan to Increase Revenue and/or Enrollment

Better Business/Management Systems

Class Programming Guidance

Social Media & Marketing Guidance

Back End System Assistance

One on One mentorship sessions with each staff member