Networks, Federations and Franchises

Activity Messenger allows networks of organizations (usually sport federations or franchises) to share forms, waivers, templates, images and videos. This enables centralization of assets for a unified branding and messaging.

Publishers and consumers

In a Network each organization can play one of two roles: Publisher or Consumer.

A Publisher organization is able to share assets with other organizations. A Consumer organization cannot share. They can only use (consume) shared assets. Usually in a Federation or Franchise network, only one parent organization is the Publisher. Other organizations, usually clubs or franchisees, are consumers.

Consumer organizations can still create their own forms, waivers and templates. They can also upload their own images and videos. The Publisher organization will not have access to those. They remain private to the Consumer organization.

Sharing a form or waiver

To share a form or waiver, open the waiver and click on Configuration. On the left-hand side, click on Share with {network name}. When an organization creates a new form, the shared form/waiver will be visible in the Network samples.

Updating a shared form or waiver

Consumers can see when a form or waiver is updated. In the configuration tab, a blue alert box will relay that information. Click on the Information button to open the modal. To update the form or waiver, click on Update. As mentioned in the modal, updating the form will not affect already filled forms or waivers. Those were already captured in PDF documents and are frozen forever. They are also kept in your records forever.

Sharing images and videos

Images and videos can be shared Publishers. Click on More and Your images or Your videos. Open an image/video, toggle the Share checkbox and save. The image/video will then be available in the media library of all organizations in the network.