Building a list from classes registrations

If you don't have a recipient list, you can create one directly on the platform without importing external data. Forms, surveys, etc., automatically generate recipient lists based on the responses received, which can be used for sending SMS or emails.

# List Creation

Go to the Lists tab and press Create.

Select Class/Event Participants.

Create a list based on individuals registered for classes or events.

You can start from scratch, and people will be automatically added as they register for classes.

You can also import participants from existing classes or use filters to target specific groups.

# Using Filters

Filter participants based on criteria such as registration date, age, or other information.

Combine multiple filters to refine your recipient list.

# Combine Options

Decide how to import participants based on the context. Activity Messenger offers you 3 choices:

One activity per participant: By default, only one activity will be imported per participant to avoid duplicate email sends.

Allow participants to have multiple activities: Choose this option to import multiple activities per participant. A participant may appear multiple times in this list. Useful for automated tasks.

Combine people with the same email address: Combine families with the same email address to avoid sending the same email multiple times.


Arthur Weasley has two children: Ron and Ginny. Ron is enrolled in Virtual Quidditch and Potions. Ginny is enrolled in Potions.

One activity per participant will import 2 recipients:

Ron, Virtual Quidditch

Ginny, Potions

Allow participants to have multiple activities will import 3 recipients:

Ron, Virtual Quidditch

Ron, Potions

Ginny, Potions

Combining people with the same email address will import 1 recipient:

Arthur with his children Ron and Ginny

The option to combine is useful for marketing campaigns. For example, if Ginny and Ron are enrolled in two classes, they will be separated when imported from Amilia. Arthur, their father, will receive two messages. However, by combining the children into one row, Arthur will receive only one message.

# The importance of Targeting

Creating targeted lists is crucial for your automation and marketing strategies.

Ensure you accurately target your recipients for effective communication.