Staff calendar

Activity Messenger provides a calendar of classes, events and private lessons for all staff. In addition, each staff can have their own calendar. We even provide an iCalendar (.ics) feed to easily integrate in Google Calendar, Apple Calendar or Outlook.

Activity Messenger Staff calendar will even show classes imported from Amilia, iClassPro, Active Network and Excel files. Checkout Attendance tracking to find out more.

Click on Classes, Calendar or Staff, Calendar to access the Staff calendar.

You can view by day or by week. You can even view multiple staff calendar side by side.

# Filtering the staff calendar

You can filter by class name. Type in the class name in the search box to limit shown events.

Click on the Participants filter to view empty or full classes. You can show or classes that have no participants, 1 participant or that are full.

Click on the Staff filter to limit who's calendar to see.

iCalendar (.ics)

You can import each staff calendar in Google Calendar, Apple Calendar or MS Outlook. From the Staff filter, click on the calendar icon. A popup will allow you to copy the iCalendar feed URL to import.

The iCalendar feed provides 4 months of events: 1 month in the past, and 3 months in the future. Calendar applications will regularly poll the iCalendar feed URL to refresh the staff calendar.

To import in Goolge Calendar, click on +, From URL. Paste the iCalendar feed URL.

Each event will show the name of the class, the list of participants and the location of the event. If you are running a Zoom class, the location field will contain a link to the Zoom meeting.