Running Zoom classes with Amilia

Activity Messenger integrates both Zoom and Amilia to make them cooperate in the most efficient way. The integration allows you to:

  • Create Zoom meetings for Amilia activities with just a few clicks.
  • Send the Zoom meeting invitations by SMS or email.

Import classes from Amilia

Click on Import and select the activities in Amilia that are run as online classes. Activity Messenger will import the activity information, registrations, schedule and roster of participants.

Imported activities are automatically synchronized with Amilia. Activity Messenger receives a message from Amilia for every new registration. It will update the roster of participants. They are always in sync.

Note: Activity Messenger won't allow you to import the same activity twice. If you imported the wrong activity, just remove it by clicking on the trash can icon. Removing a Zoom class does not modify anything in Amilia or Zoom, it simply removes it from this list.

Working with a Zoom class

Click on a class to view the registrations. Each row represents a participant registered to one or more occurrences. You can expand each row to view registration details including the account owner and occurrence dates the participant is registered to.

You can select registrants and send them an SMS or email. Very useful for sending a one-off reminder, or cancellation message.

Zoom classes support both Amilia session activities and drop-ins. The second tab contains a drop-down with all occurrences of the Zoom class. Each occurrence has its own roster which can be different depending on drop-in registrations.

Zoom meetings

On the participants tab click on Create to create Zoom meetings for all occurrences. Activity Messenger will determine dates by looking at the Amilia activity's occurrences. A Zoom meeting will be created for each one.

Activity Messenger presents you common Zoom meeting settings you may toggle. They are pre-configured according to best practices for running Zoom Sport Classes.

Once created you get a summary of Zoom meetings for all occurrences of this class. You can click on the Zoom link to be sent to Zoom to view newly created meetings.

Linking existing Zoom meetings

If you already created Zoom meetings, you can link them. Click on the Link zoom Meetings link to do so. A popup will appear showing the class dates and associated Zoom meetings found matching the exact date and time. Click on Link to link those Zoom meetings. Activity Messenger will then be able to send those links by email or SMS.

Sending Zoom meeting reminders before each class

Activity Messenger automates sending Zoom meeting reminders by email or SMS. For example, 1 hour before each class. If you have a class with 10 occurrences, this will save you a lot of time.

To use the automation bot, click on Configure and toggle the switch. Choose the time at which reminders should go out. Configure the message and decide whether to send by email, by SMS or both. You may adapt the pre-configured subject and body. Click Save.

The Activity Messenger automation bot wakes up at 4AM EST every morning and will schedule messages to be sent out at the specified time. The bot will refresh the roster or participants. If someone registers after the reminder has been sent, Activity Messenger will still deliver the reminder to them. You can be sure everyone will receive the Zoom meeting connection information.

You can ask the Bot to simulate what class it will schedule on a given day. Click on the Simulate button and choose a day.

Sending Zoom meetings by SMS or email manually

You may want to send an email or SMS with the Zoom meeting information manually. Click on an occurrence to view the roster of participants for the class on that date.

Select participants and click on "Send Zoom meeting". You will be redirected to the Message screen. A pre-configured message with the Zoom meeting link and class information will be written for you.

The message uses placeholders. Activity Messenger will fill those in knowing that recipients are in that class. It is all automatic.

Running a class

The coach or tech should have the Zoom class occurrence open. It shows the roster of participants. When participants join, the coach/tech can easily look them up.

If a participant is missing or can't find their meeting invite, the tech can send an SMS to reminder them. The pre-configured samples reduce typing and make it efficient and quick.

Daily digest

You can receive by email a daily digest of Zoom classes that are running. The digest is sent daily at 4:30 AM Eastern time. The daily digest will also report any errors or bad configuration of your Zoom classes, and give you time to correct them before class.

We strongly recommend you opt-in yourself and coaches/trainers to this email. It contains the links to the Zoom meetings and avoids them from starting the wrong meeting by mistake.

To specify who receives the daily digest, go to Zoom Settings and select users.

If trainers or coaches are not yet users of Activity Messenger, you can invite them by clicking on the organization menu (3 dots next to your logo) and selecting Manage users.