Personalizing email/SMS templates with placeholders

Activity Messenger allows you to personalize emails and SMS templates with recipient names. If you are sending to a list of participants, we also make available placeholders for parents, their children and registration information. You can also create your own placeholders from questions in your forms.

Placeholders are also available in plain messages. Consult the documentation page Personalizing email/SMS messages with placeholders for more information.

# Placeholders

The following placeholders are available relative to family accounts:

  • Name: The recipient's full name
  • First name: The recipient's first name
  • Account owner name: The account owner's full name
  • Account owner first name.: The account owner's first name.
  • Participant name: The participant's full name
  • Participant first name: The participant's first name.
  • Child/children first name(s): The family account children's first names
  • Parent name: The parent's full name. Use this when sending to both parents.
  • Parent first name: The parent's first name. Use this when sending to both parents.

The following placeholders are available for registration and membership information:

  • Activity: The activity the participant is registered to.
  • Subcategory
  • Category
  • Program
  • Group: The group the camper belongs to.
  • Team: The team the player belongs to.
  • Location: Where the activity is taking place.
  • Staff name(s): Staff assigned to the activity
  • Responsible: The person responsible for the activity.
  • Start date/time: Start date/time of the first occurrence (class or game) of the activity.
  • Start date
  • Start time
  • Next date/time: Date/time of the next occurrence (class or game) of the activity.
  • Next date
  • Next time
  • End date/time: End date/time of the last occurrence (class or game) of the activity.
  • End date
  • End time
  • All dates: For an activity or class, the list of occurrence dates and times.
  • Daycare: Daycare options. For example "am pm".
  • Password: Password to release custody of the child
  • Friend: Pairing with a friend
  • Membership name
  • Membership expiration date
  • Multipass name
  • Multipass expiration date
  • Multipass tokens left
  • Custom: Custom value imported

The following placeholders are available if you use the Zoom meetings integration:

  • Zoom meeting ID
  • Zoom meeting URL
  • Zoom meeting password


# Creating custom placeholders from form questions

Activity Messenger forms allow you to create your own mini client databases. Each question becomes a column in your database.

You can batch-email or batch-text respondents and insert information your have captured in those emails. To do so, edit your form question and assign it to a placeholder.

The placeholders you create will be available in any email or SMS you write. Click on the placeholder button. Form placeholders will be available under the Form section.

# Testing placeholders

You can test placeholders against lists you have built. Toggle "Test placeholders" and select a list. You will be able to cycle through recipients of that list to preview exactly what will be sent by email or SMS.

# Empty values

Do not select a list and you will be able to preview what happens with empty values. Activity Messenger will remove empty spaces around punctuations. It will also replace the "Child/children first name(s)" placeholder with simply "your child".

# Grammar corrections

Activity Messenger is smart enough to pluralize or singularize words around the "Child/children first name(s)" placeholder. For example, if there are many children, it will replace "has" with "have". You are free to write in singular or plural form. Activity Messenger will make corrections in both directions.