Sell tickets online for your events

Activity Messenger offers an online ticket sales feature for your events. You can take advantage of all the e-commerce tools for the sale of your tickets (discounts, invoicing, etc.).

To start you need to create an event form. Then you can use our QR code scanner or attendance list to validate tickets on site.

# Form and event creation

To create an event form, you need to go to Forms > Create and choose either to go through samples or create from scratch.

Once the form is created, you can edit the event field to add your event.

After creating your event, you can change the “look” of your ticket, add additional information and limit the number of seats.

Once the form is created, you can share it using our sharing tools.

# Validate tickets using the QR code scanner

On the day of your event, you can validate the tickets using the QR code of each ticket using our scanner tool. You can also confirm the presence of the participant using the attendance list. To scan tickets, go to the event attendance page (Classes > All events > Event > Ticket scanner).