
Lists versus Forms

Forms in Activity Messenger are very similar to lists. When people fill the form, Activity Messenger collects their information. You can then email or text message them. Lists and Forms are accessed via different menus.

Recipients: name, mobile number and email

In Activity Messenger, a recipient is someone who will receive an email or text message. They can be contacts from email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or participants from registration platforms like Amilia.

A recipient has a name, a mobile phone number and an email address. These attributes are optional however you must at least provide a valid telephone number or valid email address.

Activity Messenger validates every mobile phone number and email address you input. In addition, the system ensures you never send the same email/SMS message twice to the same person.

Creating a new list

Click on the Lists menu and Create new list option. You will be presented with this form. Give your list a name, a description and choose the type of list.

New samples get added every month. Contact us to request a sample form. We'll be happy to add it.

Jump to the respective help pages for more detail.