Building a list of subscribers using a form and landing page

A subscribers list allows you to collect email and mobile phone numbers from people who want to receive your communications (a newsletter for example). You may create multiple subscribers list to capture different audiences.

Collection is done through a landing page with a form. It is fully branded to your organization. You may customize the logo, picture, message and button color.

A subscribers list works just like any other list. You may send messages to recipients on that list. Using the master list, you may combine it with another list.

# Sending an SMS/email after form submission

Activity Messenger will automatically create a welcome SMS/email template when the list is created. It will be sent to new subscribers after they submit the form. You can adapt the template message and branding to fit your needs.

Sending an SMS/email after form submission in Activity Messenger

# Gated Video and PDFs

Automatic emails sent after form submission can contain gated content. You can link videos, PDFs or any external web page. Learn how to create call to actions and attach content by reading the help page entitled Templates (HTML emails/SMS messages).

Landing page and signup form to a subscribers list in Activity Messenger

# Designing the form

Click on the Configuration tab to design the form. On the left panel are configuration options, and on the right a preview of the form.

You can add an image, modify the title, customize the fields and change the button text.

# Custom field

The Custom Field is a special question to provide context to a form. It allows you to segment respondents. For example it could be a list of interests for a newsletter signup, or a list of classes to pre-register to. You can toggle on the Custom Field for any type of form.

The Custom Field can be a drop-down, a list of checkboxes, a list of radio buttons or a text box. It always appears first in the form.

When you create a new message, you can filter against the Custom Field value. This allows you to segment respondents. For example, out of the 234 respondents, we can send an email to the 143 who have an interest in Youth Programs.

# Managing subscribers

The Subscribers tab shows you who is subscribed to the list. You can lookup people by name, mobile number or email address. Click on the + button to subscribe a new to the list.

# Sharing the form

Click on Share the form. A popup will appear give you 4 options. You can copy the unique and shareable link of the form to put on your website. You can send the form by email and/or text message. You can embed it on your website. Finally you can print a QR code and post it on a wall for people to fill in the form in person.

If you choose to embed on your website, you can either place the form on a page using an IFRAME, or you can embed a button that opens the form in a popup. Copy the respective HTML code to embed on on your website.

To embed this form on your website you must first set the URL of your organization. Click on the organization menu () and Modify information. Your website must be secured and start with https.

The button with popup option requires JavaScript. Some sites like Wix do not allow that. Embed directly in the page using an IFRAME if that's the case.

# Importing contacts from another system

If you have been using Mailchimp, Constant Contact or another system, you already have a list of contacts. You can import them in Activity Messenger. From your old system, export those contacts to an Excel or a CSV file. The column names are not important - Activity Messenger will allow you to choose them during import.

Click on Import to import them into the Subscribers list. A popup will allow you to choose the Excel/CSV file from your computer. You can drag and drop it there as well.

Activity Messenger will try to detect the columns name, email and mobile automatically. You can also use the pickers to choose the right columns. If you have exported a column for the Custom field, you can choose it as well. Activity Messenger will import it.

Once imported they will appear in the list of subscribers. If you are importing more than 1,000 contacts, Activity Messenger will process the job in the background. It may take a few seconds to finish. Click on the refresh button to update the list.

Activity Messenger does not import duplicates. Instead, it will try to merge contacts that have the same email address. It is therefore safe to re-import the same contacts multiple times.
Activity Messenger manages unsubscribes separately in a global list. You can import them as well. Read the Unsubscribes help page to learn more.