Building a master list to combine multiple lists

A master list allows you to combine multiple lists into one. You can add contacts/participants from other lists, and even filter out contacts/participants from another.

Go to the Lists section and select Create.

Then choose the Master List option.

Click on the "+" icon to add people to this list. You can choose from all existing lists or from forms.

For example, you can decide to add people who have filled out an end-of-session form and also those enrolled in a specific class. This allows you to group different types of participants for more targeted communication.

Click on the add button and choose the list from which you want to add contacts/participants. You can add multiple lists. If you have people to exclude in an existing list, you can click on the remove button. This will remove those from the final list.

The advantage of master lists is that they update automatically. If new people fill out a form or register for a class, they will be automatically added to the master list. This allows you to efficiently manage your message sends using a list that is constantly updated based on your specific criteria.

If a recipient exists in more than one list, they will only appear once in the final list. Furthermore, if two contacts share the same email but have different mobile numbers, they will be considered different. However be assured that Activity Messenger will only send them the same email only once.