Zoom Classes

Zoom online fitness classes became mainstream when COVID-19 shut down Sport & Leisure. With in-person classes no longer being possible, fitness clubs and sport organizations started using Zoom to give interactive classes online. A Zoom Online Class aims to reproduce the in-person experience of a coach interacting with participants. Today the convenience of scheduling staff interviews on zoom, especially for organizations who need to hire many seasonal staff makes this feature invaluable.

Activity Messenger integrates Zoom and Amilia to help you set up and run Zoom Online Classes. Activity Messenger provides solutions to these pain points:

  • Eliminates the manual process of creating Zoom meetings for dozens of classes a week.
  • Automates sending the Zoom meetings to participants by SMS or email.
  • Automates sending reminders before the class to avoid no-shows and refunds.

# Resources

# Running a Zoom class with Amilia

Learn how to connect Zoom to Activity Messenger, import Amilia classes and automatically create Zoom meetings from activity schedules. Send the Zoom meetings by SMS and email to participants.

"Sunny" musical piece from bensound.com.

Lessons learned running online classes on Zoom
# Best practices running a Zoom class

Duncan from Soccer World Hamilton shares lessons learned running Zoom soccer classes. Read the newsletter to get this insight.

Read the newsletter

# Connecting Zoom

First step is to connect your Zoom account to you Activity Messenger organization. Click on the Zoom settings option in the Zoom classes menu. Click on Connect and follow instructions to approve the connection.

If you have multiple Zoom accounts you can connect them here as well. Multiple Zoom accounts are required if you have Zoom classes running in parallel.

There can be only one active Zoom account at a time. The active account is used to program Zoom meetings. You can easily switch from one Zoom account to another on this screen.

# List of Zoom classes

Click on All Zoom classes under the Zoom classes menu. On this page are listed the Zoom classes you are running. When a class has passed, it will automatically be hidden.

# Uninstallation

To disconnect Zoom, simply click on Disconnect. Your Zoom account will no longer be usable in Activity Messenger.