Importing a list from another platform into Activity Messenger is particularly useful for tasks such as adding newsletter subscribers or segmented contacts. Follow these steps to streamline the process.
Create a Form:
Design a form in Activity Messenger that matches the data you want to import (e.g., first name, last name, email, phone number, interests, etc.).
Match Columns to Form Questions:
Each column in your Excel/CSV file must correspond to a question in your form.
This alignment ensures your data is imported accurately and organized correctly within the platform.
Make sure that the question selection in the form match the information you will be importing (e.g., text for names, email for email addresses).
Go to the Respondents section of the form you created.
Click on Import button.
A window will open. Click on "Sample". This sample has been designed based on the questions in your form. If there is a column that you do not have data for remove this question/block from the form.
Open your Excel/CSV file containing the data.
Copy each column from your file into the sample you downloaded. Review that your data copied over correctly and fill in any blanks. If one of the fields is left blank you will recieve an error when copying over to Activity Messenger.
Once the data from your file is copied into the correct columns of the sample, use the commands Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on Mac) to copy the information.
Return to Activity Messenger and paste the data into the import form.
Use Ctrl+V to paste the information into the corresponding fields.
Correct potential errors:
Before importing, ensure that all data is accurate and complete.
If Activity Messenger detects errors, you can correct them directly in the Excel file or within the interface before finalizing the import. If a field is blank and you do not know the information use Unknown or another word that you will be able to search and replace once all the data is uploaded. This will be especially important if the blank space is used as a placeholder.
Finalize the import:
Once corrections are made, click on Import to complete the process.
After importing the list, check that all data has been correctly assigned to the appropriate fields.
If your file contains interest columns, verfiy that contacts have been properly segmented based on the interests specified in your Excel/CSV file.