Form management


This guide is designed for users who have already created a form and now want to know how to share it and track responses. We’ll walk you through managing forms, setting up communication in forms, and confirming submissions.

Search and permissions

Click on Forms and select Manage Forms.  

By accessing the forms management, you will be able to see all the forms you have created. You can filter them by name, for example, by entering the name in the search bar to display matching forms.

You can also search by a specific person. For example, if you want to see all forms submitted by a client, you can search for their name, phone number, or email address.


One of the important features is the addition of tags, especially when you have more than one over time. By pressing "Tags," you can assign new tags to forms. For example, you can assign a "Request for Information" tag to certain forms.

By accessing the list of tags, you can easily find the corresponding forms.

You can also filter forms by the type. For example, subscription, registration, or review forms.

It is possible to duplicate, modify, share, archive or visit the form directly using the three points associated with each form.

You have full control over which staff can access the forms. For example, if you want one of your instructors to be able to use a particular form, you can give them that specific access without giving them access to other forms.

Personalizing the forms 

Once you have managed your forms, you can move on to customizing each specific form. By accessing a particular form, you can modify it according to your needs. 

You can set criteria to limit who can fill out the form.

Everyone : Any person visiting your page can fill out the form.

Client : Only clients of your organization can fill out this form.

Member : Only members of a specific subscription can fill out this form.

List : You can select the authorized customer lists allowed to fill out the form.

Password : Create a password and share it with those authorized to fill out the form.

You can allow a client to sign in or save a form, disable the function to remember answers for the next time, or limit submissions to one per client.

You have the option to manually close the form to prevent new entries, or set specific opening and closing dates for the form.

Confirmation page

You can customize the confirmation page that appears once the form is completed. This page can include a congratulatory message, additional instructions, or links to other resources.


Make sure to set up notifications appropriately. You can choose to receive notifications for each response or only for certain responses, depending on their importance.

Use the Edit button to modify the confirmation email sent to the respondent. You can customize and save it as the default, or create a personalized one for each type of form.


To get an overview of the responses to your surveys, it is also possible to export them into an Excel file.


Click on the share button at the top right.

Each form you create has a unique URL.

You can share it through different channels or embed it on your website. Copy the URL to send it via email or SMS. 

Make sure your social media accounts are connected in your account settings, and share it on the social networks of your choice.

Embed it into your website by clicking "Directly in the page" and copying the link into your website. The form will be integrated into your site, but you can still make real-time updates via Activity Messenger.

You can also choose the "Button with popup" option. A new window will open to display the form when your customers click on this button.

Print the QR code, add it to your posters, or share it via email or SMS.

Visit or fill

Click on "Visit" or "Fill Out" at the top right. You will be redirected to the form page as seen by the client.

You can carry out your first tests to ensure that everything is correct in your form. You will be able to enter your information and see the functionality of the form.

As an administrator, when you enter the information, you can check the orange boxes, visible only to the administrator. This allows you to skip some information and not fill it out entirely when testing your form. 

Additionally, you can pre-fill part of the form to allow someone to fill it out later. You can send it to him by email or SMS.

Once the form is submitted, the confirmation page displays what you have chosen to include. You will also receive an email notifying you that a new respondent has completed the form.


You now have your first respondent in your form.

You have the option to choose the columns you want to display. All you have to do is check the ones you want to see appear.

You can add approvals for administrators. By clicking on the respondent, you can check whether the request is approved or not.

You can then filter by columns. For example, you can choose to only see customers who answered 'Small' to the sweater size question.

You can filter to see who started filling out the form but gave up.

You can see the respondents you have archived.

If a customer contacts you to report that they entered an incorrect response in the form, you can access their responses to edit them by clicking on their name.

Locate the answer you want to modify and click on the pencil icon.

Then you have the option to choose whether you want to send them the PDF with the edited answers by email or not.

Completed forms 

Click the Forms menu and choose Completed Forms.

You will be presented with a feed of all recently completed forms. You can search to find a respondent by name, email address or phone number. You can also search by the name of a child or parent.

The feed of completed forms can be filtered by dates. For example, find all forms filled out on a particular day.

This screen is adaptive and designed to work well on a smartphone. This allows your staff to quickly verify that all participants have completed a required form.

After completing the form, the respondent will receive a confirmation email with the PDF attached (if the PDF file was generated). The confirmation message is actually a template. A template is an HTML message that can contain formatted text and images. In Mailchimp, we call this a campaign message. Click Edit to adapt the message content.

If you have a bilingual form, create two versions. For example one in French and the other in English.

You and your colleagues can receive an email notification when a form is completed. Enter the users in the field for this purpose.