
Here's how to create, configure, and manage subscriptions in ActivityMessenger, including payment recurrence and linking to courses or events.

Access the subscription section

Go to the E-commerce tab. Click on Subscription to view or create subscriptions.

If a subscription already exists, you can modify it.

Otherwise, click the + button to create a new one.

Configure subscription details

Name and Duration: Enter the name of the subscription.
Define the duration (e.g., fixed, monthly, annual).
Examples: annual subscription for 12 months or monthly with recurrence.

Payment Recurrence: Enable payment recurrence for monthly or annual subscriptions.
Set the billing date (e.g., every 15th of the month).
Add a pro-rata invoice if the customer signs up mid-period.

Start and End Dates: Specify the start and end dates of the subscription.
Example: sports federation subscriptions may start on September 1 and end on August 30, even if registration occurs in July.

Number of Cycles: Limit the number of payment cycles (e.g., 3, 6, or 12 months).

Example: 3-month subscription with 3 payments, after which renewal is requested.

Add a description and financial details

Description: Add a short description of the subscription.
Price and Taxes: Specify the subscription price and apply the appropriate taxes.
Account Code: Associate an account code with the subscription to track revenue.

Configure automatic renewal

Enable automatic renewal for annual or monthly subscriptions.

A message will be sent to subscribers a certain number of days before the subscription ends, offering them the option to renew.

Create a renewal contract that the subscriber must sign.

Use a custom template to send an alert email with a renewal button.

Generate membership cards

Enable the option to generate a virtual membership card.

The card will display a barcode for scanning at entry, the expiration date, and the type of subscription.

You can add a photo of the member on the card.

Cards can be virtual (accessible via smartphone) or printed, depending on the member's preference.

Membership Access Control 

Enable clients to self-check in using their membership card with the help of a scanner. If they have a class scheduled within the next hour, the system will automatically register their attendance upon check-in. You can set up multiple access points and view detailed access reports under E-commerce > Reports > Access Control Logs. This module is available under E-commerce > Access Control. To activate it, please contact support at

To ensure the scanner functions correctly, you'll need to configure it to automatically press the "Enter" key after each scan. Below are the setup instructions specifically for a "Symbol" scanner. If you’re using a different brand or model, the configuration process may vary:

Linking to courses and events 

Access to Courses: Associate the subscription with courses or events.

You can make the subscription required for course registration.

If the subscription is not required, you can offer a discounted price for members (e.g., $8 for non-members, $5 for members).

Automatic Attendance: Set up automatic addition of registered members to the attendance list for courses.

Using coupons

Offer coupons following the purchase of a subscription.

Example: 6 coupons for free or discounted courses, usable during specific periods or for specific events.

Configure the expiration date of the coupons and the courses to which they apply.

Managing communications

Subscription Confirmation: Use a custom subscription confirmation template.

Payment Errors: Manage payment errors (e.g., expired credit card) by sending automated notifications requesting an update of information.

Create a subscription form 

Customize the subscription form to collect member information.

Examples of Fields: parental consent, family subscription, electronic signature, risk acknowledgment.

Once saved, this form will appear during the subscription process.

Manage members

View all subscribers in the Members section.

Here, you will find names, emails, phone numbers, expiration dates, and other information related to each subscription.

Sort members by subscription type for better management.