Event calendar

Activity Messenger allows you to host an event calendar on your microsite. You can direct clients, staff and volunteers to the calendar page. You can even embed the calendar on your website.

To add a calendar to your page, click on (+) and choose the Calendar block. The calendar settings popup will open.

You can configure the calendar to open on today's date, or a specific date. The calendar comes in 3 different views: month, week or day. You decide which views are available, and which is used by default. You can also limit the calendar minimum and maximum times. For example from 9am to 10pm.

Calendar events can have one of 6 colors. You can define the legend colors and labels to appear.

# Events

The calendar can show multiple types of events. Event sources enable you to pull class schedules or dates captured from any form. Expand the Events source section and click on the (+) button to create a new event source. Choose a form to pull dates from. You can cycle through events found. Pick a color for the event.

If you are pulling from a form with date questions, Activity Messenger will ask you which questions to use to pull the event title, date and subtitle. You can also add more details in the event popup.

If you are sanctioning events, you can hide submitted events. By going back to the form respondents, you can modify submitted answers to change the event title, date and subtitle.

Your event calendar also have Custom Events. You can create one off events manually. Expand the Event section and click on the (+) button to create an event.

A custom event can have a date, a time or if an all day event, a start and end date. You can provide a title, a subtitle and a color. You can write a description for the popup. You can also link a form. This would add a button in the popup to open the form. For example to open the form to register to the event. Finally, you can also embed a Google Maps in the popup by providing an address.

When your client clicks on the custom event in the calendar, this popup would open: