Creating the microsite and client portal

Here’s how to use the microsite or client portal in Activity Messenger, which can serve as a web page or course catalog. You’ll learn how to access the microsite, customize it with the “drag and drop” feature, add blocks and sub-pages, and integrate advanced features such as search and alerts to create an effective client portal tailored to your needs.

To access either, click on the Microsite menu and select Client Portal.

Design the microsite

Click on Design Mode

The side navigation will have buttons to allow you to manage pages. You can add pages and rearrange them.

Click on the menu of the page to display the options.

You can perform the following actions on a page:

  • Edit the page properties, such as the name and permissions.
  • Print a QR code to display on a wall. Your clients can scan the code with their smartphone to access the page.
  • Embed the page on your website. Only the content of the page (on the right) will be included; the side panel will not.
  • Add a new page above, below, or as a subpage of this page.

Page properties

Each page on the microsite has its own properties, including the page title, access permissions, and a unique URL.

A page has 3 levels of access permissions:

  • Public: The page is publicly accessible to everyone. The side panel includes a link to access the page.
  • Admin: The page is visible only to administrators. The side panel does not include a link for public access.
  • Hidden: The page is publicly accessible only to those with a direct link. Navigation does not include a link to the page.

In addition to these permission levels, pages can be password-protected. You can enable this option and enter a password. People without the password will not be able to access the page.

Each microsite page has a unique URL. Feel free to copy the link and add it to your website or share it with anyone who needs access to the page.

Page content

A page is made up of blocks. You can edit, duplicate, delete, and add blocks via the blocks menu. You can also rearrange them by dragging and dropping.

Click the + symbol to add new blocks, such as text, tiles, images, maps, HTML, etc.

Configure the actions for tiles to open forms, PDF documents, subpages, or external websites.

The available blocks are:

  • Text: Rich text with the ability to insert links to other pages, external websites, PDFs uploaded from your media library, etc.
  • Image: Embed an image from your media library. You can also upload one or quickly create one using our integrated Canva feature.
  • Video: Embed a video from your media library, YouTube, or Vimeo.
  • Form: Embed one of your forms, allowing clients to fill it out in a pop-up window or on a separate page. For example, a class registration form or a waiver with electronic signature.
  • Document: Link to a PDF, Excel file, or Word document from your media library.
  • Location: Embed a Google Map of the facility or location you manage.
  • Client Account Link: Embed a card with a link to the client account page.
  • Staff Login Link: Embed a card with a link for staff and users to log in, allowing them to track attendance or send emails/SMS to clients.
  • Calendar: Embed an event calendar with classes, dates from form submissions (e.g., for event approval), and custom events.

Tiles, cards, and layout

Blocks come in two styles: tiles or cards. Both contain optional sections: image, rich text, and a button. Tiles blend seamlessly into your page. Cards have a white background with rounded corners.

The height of the block is automatically adjusted based on the content. The width of a block can be set to represent a percentage of the screen width (desktop or tablet in landscape mode). Possible values are 25%, 33%, 50%, 66%, 75%, or 100%. Blocks can also occupy a full line or be inline. Blocks that take up a full line can be aligned to the left, center, or right.

Advanced features

Search and Tables

Add a search function to help clients find information easily.

Create tables with custom rows and columns. 

Alerts and tabs 

Add important alerts at ther top of the page.

Use tabs to organize content, with different text for each tab.


Add asubpages to organize the content of the microsite. 

Documents and Client Accounts

- Integrate PDF documents and set up buttons for downloading them.
- Add links to client accounts so they can view their information.
- Integrate forms.
- Add your attendance lists or a calendar.

Sales and Reservations

- Add packages, room bookings, and items for sale.
- Create an online store to sell products like t-shirts and balloons.

The layout is responsive, meaning that on smaller screens, rows of blocks collapse to ensure readability. On smartphones, the side panel disappears. Navigation is provided by a mobile dropdown menu and breadcrumb trails located at the top of the page.