Pre-filling a payment form for a client

Activity Messenger allows you to pre-fill a payment form and send it to a customer so they can complete it and finish their purchase. You can also send them the invoice to finalize the transaction. To do this, design your form and click on Visit or Fill. It will open in a new tab in your browser.

Fill in the form with the information you have available, such as the customer's email address and the items being purchased. Do not fill in fields that the customer needs to validate themselves, such as acceptance checkboxes and signatures.

Enable the option to allow submission without filling in required fields to let the customer complete those fields later.

The invoice will be displayed along with the payment form. At the bottom of the page, in the admin options, you will find three options:

- Send the invoice to the customer
- Admin payment
- Send the pre-filled form (previous screen) to the customer

Click on "Send the form". It will open a new browser tab with the New message screen. The message will be pre-configured and the form linked as a button. When the client clicks on the button, they will be redirected to the page you have selected. They can complete the form and pay the invoice.

If you configured the payment form to allow another payment method, you can turn it on by clicking on that checkbox. You may toggle that checkbox to turn on or off the other payment method.

You can track sent forms by going to the Messages tab of the form. We track opens and clicks of those emails. You'll know if they opened the email and clicked on the form button. The link to the Payment Form is also there should you need to access it again to make more changes.

# Payment by administrator

You may not need the client to fill in the form. You may want to settle the invoice yourself. You can click on the Payment by administrator checkbox. It will present a point-of-sale (POS) with options to take a payment via your debit/credit terminal, by cash, by check, or by other means. You can also control whether the client should receive the invoice by email or not.

Confirmation and Tracking

  • Add administrative notes for each payment received.
  • Once the payment is completed, the customer will receive a confirmation email.
  • The payment will be recorded in the customer's invoice.

# Form expiration 

You can set the form to expire at a specific date and time. To do this, click on the corresponding option and select the desired date and time.

Payment forms that have an expiration date/time will have a timer appear at the top. When expired the Payment Form will not be submittable by the client.

# Tracking prefilled forms

Prefilled forms create draft invoices. You can view all draft invoices under the Invoices pages (E-Commerce, Invoices). Filter to see draft invoices created by administrators.

Open a draft invoice to view details. You'll have a link to access the prefilled form. The invoice will show emails you've sent to the client. You can, for example, see if they have opened the email you sent. If not, you may resend the prefilled form again.

Drafts will appear as uncompleted until the customer fills out and pays the form.

Once confirmed and paid, they will be classified as finalized invoices.