Sending automatic Zoom class reminders

Martin Drapeau
25 mai 2020 2 minutes de lecture

Zoom classes are here to stay. But when running weekly classes with multiple participants: reminders and links and adding new participants can become a nightmare. It shouldn’t be.

Let the Activity Messenger bot send Zoom class reminders by email and/or SMS before each class. Every day, the automation bot picks up the latest registered participants, and sends a message to each participant with the Zoom meeting connection link.

Choose when to send

For a given Zoom class, open the Reminders section and specify what time to send out the reminder.

Configure your message

Activity Messeger pre-configures the message with placeholders of the Zoom meeting URL and the name of the class. You can override the defaults and even use an HTML Template.

Run a simulation

Once saved, you can run a simulation. Choose a day and see who will receive a reminder and at what time.

Écrit par Martin Drapeau Martin est l'ancien CTO d'Amilia qui, pendant 6 ans, a contribué à faire passer le produit, la technologie et l'équipe de l'entreprise de 15 à 110 personnes.

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