How to Start a Tennis Club: Step-by-Step Guide

Olivier Rousseau
21 May 2024 Tennis 2 min read

Starting a swim school is a venture that combines an entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for the sport. Below, we take a closer look at each step required to open a new tennis club.

We’ll discuss:

Step 1: Tennis Club Business Plan
Step 2: Find the Right Location
Step 3: Licenses and Insurance
Step 4: Attract and Hire Qualified Staff
Step 5: Market Your Tennis Club
Step 6: Use Technology to Enhance Your Operations
Step 7: Monitor and Adapt
Bonus: Other tools to help you grow a profitable Tennis Club

Author’s note: I’m Olivier and I share tips and tricks I’ve learned over the past decade as the owner of a children’s sports program. Today, as the co-founder of Activity Messenger, I help successful tennis clubs and academies across the U.S. and Canada streamline their operations, improve the way they communicate with members, and increase revenue.

Step 1: Develop Your Business Plan

A good business plan is the perfect place to start a new tennis club project. It should clearly define what you need to do to open your tennis facility:

  • Mission and Vision: Understand what your tennis club wants to accomplish beyond profit. For example, to promote physical fitness, sportsmanship, and a love for tennis in the community.
  • Market Analysis: Determine the demographics of your target market, including age range, geographic location, and current demand for tennis lessons, camps and club memberships. Research competitors in the tennis club industry to understand what they offer and to identify gaps.
  • Services Offered: Decide whether you want to offer group lessons, private lessons, competitive training, or other classes or offering such as pickelball or personal training. Will you offer outdoor courts and indoor courts for members to book.
  • Pricing Strategy: Set prices for your tennis lessons and club membership fees that are competitive but also profitable. Consider offering different levels of pricing or packages to attract different clients.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategy: Outline how you are going to attract customers to your tennis programs and how you are going to retain them.
  • Financial Plan: Include start-up costs, ongoing expenses, projected revenue, and break-even analysis. This will be crucial in order to secure funding or investors.

Tennis Club Business Plan

Step 2: Secure the Right Location

Choosing the ideal location is crucial to grow a successful tennis club. Here are some options to consider when opening a new tennis club:

Renting Space for a Tennis Academy

Minimize your initial investment by partnering with community centers, city parks, local schools, or facilities with existing tennis courts. This arrangement allows you to leverage the established audience and infrastructure of these venues, and eliminates the high costs associated with building and maintaining tennis courts. It’s important to negotiate terms that provide sufficient court hours and ensure the facility meets your program’s needs without disrupting the host’s schedule.

Renting Space for a Tennis Academy


Building a Tennis Club Facility:

This option requires a greater financial commitment. However, it gives you complete control over the appearance, function and operation of the tennis courts. By customizing a facility specifically for your tennis club, you will be able to enhance the experience for your members. You may be able to offer more tennis lessons or special events than you could in a shared tennis facility. This option requires careful planning, from securing funding to designing a facility that is user-friendly and in compliance with all codes and regulations. With the freedom to customize everything from court surfaces and lighting to seating and accessibility, you can differentiate your tennis club in a competitive market. You’ll also have to consider extra costs such as real estate, local taxes, and court maintenance.

Building a Tennis Club Facility


Starting with Mobile Tennis Lessons:

This option allows you to offer tennis lessons by traveling to your client’s location, such as private or community outdoor courts. It minimizes overhead costs because there is no tennis facility to maintain or rent. This model works well for clients who prefer the convenience of taking lessons in nearby parks. It also offers scheduling flexibility. However, it requires good logistical planning and effective local marketing to ensure a steady flow of customers. Mobile tennis lessons are ideal for those looking to enter the tennis market with a low initial investment. Once you have enough clients, you can start hiring other coaches to expand you operations.

Starting with Mobile Tennis Lessons

Open a Tennis Lessons Franchise

Opening a tennis club franchise is a great way to get into the tennis teaching business. When considering the best franchise options, look for those that offer comprehensive support, including marketing assistance, operational training and a well-established curriculum. Brands such as Teddy Tennis Franchising, The Swing School, and TenTen Kids Sports are known for their structured programs and strong community presence. These franchises not only simplify the start-up process with turnkey solutions, but also provide ongoing support to franchisees in maintaining high standards of safety and instruction.

Key Considerations When Opening a Tennis Club or Academy

Regardless of the type of venue you choose, several factors are crucial when making your decision:

  • Visibility and Accessibility: Choose a tennis facility that’s easy to find and access. Enrollment can be boosted by good visibility from major roads, ample parking, and access to public transportation.
  • Competition: Analyzing the local tennis market for competition is essential. By choosing a location with fewer nearby tennis clubs, you can capture a larger share of the market.
  • Safety and Compliance: It is non-negotiable to ensure compliance with local zoning and building codes. In addition, be sure the facility meets all safety standards for the protection of your customers and employees, as well as for insurance purposes.

Careful consideration of these factors will provide a solid foundation for a successful tennis club or academy.

Step 3: Licenses and Insurance

Compliance goes beyond meeting regulatory standards; it’s about building trust and credibility with your members. Here are the key compliance areas you need to consider when running a tennis academy:

Business License:

Obtaining the appropriate business license from your local city or county is critical to legally operating a tennis club. Requirements may vary depending on your location, so check local government websites or offices to understand specific regulations. A business license ensures that you’re operating legally and helps build trust with your first customers.

Health and Safety Certifications:

Maintaining strict health and safety standards is essential for a tennis facility. This includes obtaining certifications that may require regular court maintenance, ensuring safe playing tennis courts, and having emergency response plans in place. Depending on your region, you may also need specific certifications for your coaches and staff. These certifications assure parents and players that your tennis academy is committed to their safety and well-being.

Licenses and Insurance to open a tennis club


Proper insurance coverage is essential to protect your business and provide peace of mind for you and your clients.

  • Liability Insurance: Covers injuries that may occur on a tennis court or during academy activities.
  • Property Insurance: Necessary if you own your tennis facility, protecting against damage from events such as fire or flood.
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Often required if you have employees, covering medical expenses and some lost wages for employees injured on the job.

This comprehensive coverage protects both your employees and your tennis club from unforeseen accidents.

Step 4: Hire Qualified Staff

Instructors are the cornerstone of any successful tennis club or academy. They have a direct impact on the quality of instruction and the overall experience of your members

Here’s how to ensure you have the right team in place:

Tennis Certifications

Tennis Certifications for instructors

Experience and Skills

  • Look for instructors who have a solid background in both playing and teaching tennis, going beyond basic certifications.
  • Experience with children is especially important if they are your primary clientele, as these instructors are better equipped to engage with younger players and be patient with their needs.

Tennis instructors Experience and Skills

Background Checks

  • Conduct thorough background checks on your tennis instructors to ensure all employees have no history that could jeopardize the safety of your clients.
  • Background checks should include criminal records, past employment verification, and references.

Attracting Talent

  • Create a dynamic work environment that appeals to younger tennis instructors from Gen Z.
  • Gen Z values workplaces that are inclusive, tech-savvy, and socially responsible.
  • Emphasize opportunities for growth and learning, such as ongoing training and the potential to take on more responsibility or advanced roles within your tennis club.

Tennis instructor

How to Retain Tennis Instructors

  • Foster a culture of feedback and recognition to retain your tennis instructors.
  • Regular check-ins, performance reviews, and open channels of communication will help keep employees engaged and satisfied.
  • Offer flexible scheduling and understand their need for work-life balance to retain employees who value flexibility and autonomy.

Step 5: Market Your Tennis Club

Effectively marketing your tennis club requires a omni-channel approach to reach prospects and convert them into members. With the following marketing strategies, you can build awareness and drive conversions for your tennis programs.

Here’s are a few key marketing ideas for tennis clubs:

Email Marketing (monthly newsletter)

  • Build an email list by capturing emails during registration or through your website.
  • Keep your audience engaged by sending regular newsletters with membership fees updates, tournament success stories, and upcoming events.
  • Use segmented email campaigns to target members with personalized offers and content, such as junior programs, competitive training for teens, or adult tennis lessons.

Email Marketing for tennis clubs and academies

Offer an Early Bird Discount and Trial memberships

  • Encourage early registration by offering discounts to those who pre-register and offer a 7-day free membership for prospects to try out your facilities.
  • Promote the early bird discount through all of your marketing channels to maximize exposure.
  • Consider tiered pricing: Offer discounts that decrease in size as the start date approaches to create a sense of urgency.

Social Media Marketing

  • Connect with members and prospects on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Post compelling content such as tournament and facility photos and videos, tennis tips, and player highlights to attract new followers and engage your tennis community.
  • Run social media ads for people who live within a 15-minute radius of your club. By geo-targeting, you can ensure that people live in the area where you offer tennis lessons.

Offer Free Tennis Lessons

  • Offer a free introductory lesson to attract new students who may be hesitant to commit to a full session.
  • Use free private lessons as a promotional tool during community events.
  • Collect feedback after these sessions to improve your offerings and use special follow-up offers to convert participants into paying clients.

Tennis instructor application form

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads

  • Optimize your website with relevant keywords such as: “tennis club in [your city],” and “kids tennis lessons” to improve search engine rankings.
  • Publish content such as blog posts about tennis techniques, the health benefits of tennis, and how to prepare kids for their first tennis lesson.
  • Run PPC campaigns on Google and social media to target specific audiences based on location, interests, and more.
  • Monitor and adjust bids and ads based on performance.

For a more in-depth dive and additional ideas on how to market your tennis club, we’ve written a blog article: How to Improve Your Marketing for Tennis Clubs

Step 6: Use Technology to Enhance Your Operations

Integrating technology into your tennis club can significantly improve operational efficiency and the overall customer experience.

An online platform like Activity Messenger can help your launch a successful tennis club:

Intuitive Registration Forms

Liability Waivers

  • With tools like SmartWaiver or Activity Messenger, you can digitize liability waivers for tennis lessons and membership agreements. Include these waivers in your registration process to reduce paperwork, minimizes errors, and keeps sensitive information secure. Using a platform such as Activity Messenger will speed up the registration process and improve the overall customer experience by making it a hassle-free experience.

Create an Online Liability Waiver for Tennis

Bulk SMS

  • Send bulk SMS / Text messages to quickly communicate important information, such as class updates, cancellations, or special offers, ensuring all members are promptly informed. This can also be a useful way to reach out to members who have not paid their membership fees.

Attendance Tracking

  • Track attendance digitally to easily monitor player participation and engagement. This helps identify trends, manage schedules, and ensure accurate records.

Attendance tracking for Tennis Lessons

Digital Certificates

  • Issue digital certificates for lesson completion, tournament participation, achievements or milestones. This not only motivates players, but also adds a professional touch to your tennis club’s offerings.

Tennis Club Software

  • As your club grows, the need for management software becomes critical. Activity Messenger provides solutions for scheduling, billing and client management. This integration keeps all operational data in one place, making it easier to track, analyze and make informed decisions. Activity Messenger starts off with simple tools for new clubs, but offers sophisticated registration, court bookings and management features as you expand.

How to track attendance for Tennis Lessons

Step 7: Monitor and Adapt

Responding to both customer needs and the dynamics of the tennis marketplace is essential to operate a successful tennis club.

Here’s how you can manage these aspects effectively:

Collect Member Feedback

  • Active engagement: Make it easy for players and parents to provide feedback with end-of-session reminders that include an online survey. Use this data to refine your coaching methods and improve the customer experience.
  • Deeper insights: Gain deeper insight into your customers’ needs and preferences by engaging directly with them through feedback sessions or parent meetings.

Analyzing member survey data

Financial Monitoring

  • Regular reviews: Pay close attention to your financial metrics by regularly reviewing income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
  • Optimize Finances: Identify areas where costs can be reduced or where investments are paying off with this information. To improve your bottom line, adjust your pricing structure, explore new revenue streams (such as advanced classes or seasonal camps), and cut unnecessary expenses.

Tennis Market Trends

  • Stay informed: Keep up to date with the latest developments in tennis instruction, safety protocols, and improvements in customer service.
  • Industry involvement: Stay on the cutting edge by attending tennis industry conferences, participating in professional forums, and reading relevant publications.
  • Competitive Awareness: Be aware of what your competitors are doing differently or offering new services.


Implementing these strategies allows your tennis club to proactively anticipate changes, continually improve based on customer feedback, and adjust operations based on financial analysis.

Other tools to help you open a Tennis Club

Activity Messenger is a tennis club management software can help you get started with your plans to open and grow a new tennis club or academy.

It provides you with all the tools you need to succeed. Here are other ways we can help:

Sell tickets for your tennis tournaments
Best Tennis Quotes to inspire your members
Waitlist Management 


If you would like to learn more about Activity Messenger, book a demo with one our experts.

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

How to Open a Tennis Club with Activity Messenger

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