Beginning of a Class/Session


Activity Messenger allows you to schedule reminder messages for the start of a session, day camp, or event. These reminders are automated communications that we want to send and personalize for each participant in the event or course.

Create the automation

Go to the Communication menu, navigate to the automation section, and click on Create.

Select "Start of an activity (first class)," name your automation, and click on Create.

Activity start tasks can be configured to use any type of list, even Master lists that combine other lists. Activity Messenger will pick up recipients registered to activities and ignore the others.

Click on the bottom button to change the response to "Yes" to activate the robot. 

Configure the reminder

Schedule your reminder to send an email 7 days before the start of the course.

Select a list of recipients. For example, in your demo account, you can choose those registered for a day camp.

Make sure the reminder is sent to each participant 7 days before the start of their respective session, not 7 days before the first general session.

Automate and personalize 

The goal is to eliminate the need to manually send these reminders and to reduce inquiries by providing clear and detailed notifications.

Use a welcome message template that you can modify for all your courses. Include relevant information such as the parent guide, medical form, etc.

Personalize the reminder using Activity Messenger's merge fields, which allow you to automatically include the parent’s name, participant’s name, activity name, start date and time, and group.

Configure the personalized fields 

Merge fields allow you to personalize reminders precisely for each family and registration.

You can create a customized reminder for hundreds of people, incorporating specific information for each individual.

Attach a consent form

You can attach a form to the sending email, such as a consent form or COVID-19 risk acceptance form. Click on "Configure Message." In the bottom left, click on "Attachment" and select the option "Attach a Form." Choose your form, and Activity Messenger will add a button at the bottom of the email to access the form. Refer to the consent form documentation for more information.

Automated sending 

The system will send the reminder 7 days before the start of each specific course.

You can create a reminder even before you have any registrations. The system will update 7 days prior to ensure the correct communication is sent to the right person.

View sent messages 

Activity Messenger keeps a log of all sent messages. Go to the Messages tab of the automated task. You’ll find the list of emails and texts that have been sent there.

Creating automated reminders for the start of a session, day camp, or event is a simple and effective process with Activity Messenger. By following these steps, you can ensure that each participant receives clear and personalized information on time, reducing inquiries and enhancing the overall experience.