Happy birthday wishes

Activity Messenger allows you to program automatic Happy Birthday emails and text messages on any type of list. It will schedule send outs daily by looking at the children date of birth fields to determine. Birthday wishes work for both Upload Excel/CSV and Amilia lists.

To get started create a new automated task. Click on the communication menu and Create a new automated task. Give your automated task a name and choose "Birthday wish".

Once your automated task is created you can turn on the switch and program the Automation Bot. Choose the time the message should go out at, select the list you want, and configure the message to send out.

Birthday wishes can be configured to use any type of list, even Master lists that combine other lists.

At the bottom you can pick a date to see who has their birthday on that day.

# Birthday wish message template

By default Activity Messenger creates a template for you. It contains a Happy Birthday image and a text using the person's first name. You can modify that template or use another. Use the Canva integration to create a beautiful image.

# Consulting sent messages

Activity Messenger logs automation messages sent. Click on the Messages tab under the automated task. There will be listed all emails and text messages sent for the task.