Membership renewal

Setting up an automation for subscription renewals is a great way to ensure that subscribers stay informed and can easily renew. This enhances the user experience and helps maintain an active and engaged member base.

Activity Messenger allows you to schedule the sending of emails or texts before a subscription expires. This task works for Amilia-type lists and Excel/CSV files, utilizing the imported subscription and expiration date columns.

Create the automation

Go to the Communication menu, navigate to the automation section, and click on Create.

Select "Subscription Renewal," name your automation, and click on Create.

Click on the button to change the response to "Yes" to activate the robot. 

Define the Time Before Expiration to Send the Message  
For example, set it to 30 days before the end of an annual subscription. The system uses the expiration date of each person's membership to send notifications at the right time.

Select the List of Subscribers
Choose the relevant list of subscribers, such as all members with an annual affiliation to Natation Québec.

Click on "Configure Message" to modify the default message according to your needs.

Save the automation

Click on Save.

The automation is now active. Each subscriber will receive an email or SMS 30 days before their subscription ends.

If new subscribers sign up after the automation is created, they will automatically be included in this automation. There’s no need to recreate it each time.

Membership renewal tasks can be configured to use any type of list, even Master lists that combine other lists. Activity Messenger will identify recipients that have expiring memberships and ignore the others.

Membership renewal message template

By default Activity Messenger creates a template for you. It contains placeholders for the member's first name, the membership and the expiration date. You can modify that template or use another.

Consulting sent messages

Activity Messenger logs automation messages sent. Click on the Messages tab under the automated task. There will be listed all emails and text messages sent for the task.


This automation allows you to:

  • Inform subscribers about the upcoming end of their subscription.
  • Facilitate re-subscription by providing a direct link.
  • Maintain regular contact with subscribers to improve retention.