Templates are accessible in the Templates top-level menu. Click on the Create option from that menu to create a new template.
Templates are usually sent by email. We therefore allow you to set the email subject directly with the template. You will be able to change the subject when you send the message.
Templates are structures as a series of vertical blocks. The first topmost block is the header. Following blocks form the content of your message. The last block is the footer.
The first block is called the header. It contains your organization logo. The logo is a hyperlink leading to your website. You can hide the header if you wish to instead use a full-size image.
The last block is the footer and is mandatory as it contains your identity and unsubscribe links.
Header and footer are configured in your Organization's configuration.
Content blocks can be added by clicking on the (+) button above the footer. The block will be appended to the message. You can freely drag and drop blocks to change their order.You can edit an existing block by clicking on the pencil edit icon.Note: Templates are always auto-saved.
Activity Messenger currently supports 6 types of content blocks. These are:
Rich text boxes allow you to format text using standard word processing options such as heading, font color, indentation, bullets, etc. The rich text will be converted to HTML to render properly in the email you send.
Images you upload are stored on Activity Messenger's content delivery network (CDN). Placeholders specify the ideal size of images. The full-size image should be 1200x600 pixels. The two-column images should be 270x270. You may use other heights however we do suggest that your images are formatted to the specified widths. That will ensure they look good in every email client and on every device.
We keep all images you upload in the Media tab. When you edit a block, you can click on the Media button to choose an existing image.
Every message you send should contain at least one call to action button. Buttons are branded to your colors to attract the eye of the recipient. You can configure the button text and URL.