Media (images, videos and PDF documents)

Activity Messenger allows you send images, videos and PDF files in SMS and email messages. The Media manager is available via the Templates top-level menu.

The Media manager contains 6 tabs. The three first are Your images, Your documents and Your videos. These are media assets hosted by Activity Messenger. The other 3 are integrations with third-party platforms. Pexels provides royalty free stock photos. You can connect your Youtube channel or Vimeo account in order to make videos available in Activity Messenger.

# Your images

Your images are all images you upload when using Activity Messenger (i.e. building Templates). You may upload new images by clicking on the upload button.

Click on an image to see it full size. You can modify the name and description of the image. Click on the Send button to send the image by SMS or email. Click on the Delete button to remove it from the Media manager.

Deleted images are in fact archived. They are no longer available to send. However if a previous email/SMS you have sent contains that image, it will still be visible by the user.

# Your documents

Your documents hosts PDF files in the cloud that you want to share with participants, members and parents. They become available to attach to email and text messages you send. You may upload new PDF files by clicking on the upload button.

Click on document and a popup will appear. You can give the document a name and description. Click on the Send button to send the image by SMS or email. Click on the Delete button to remove it from the Media manager.

A PDF file has a shareable link you can publish on your website or post on social media. When you create a message, you can attach the PDF file. Activity Messenger will insert the shareable link at the end of the text message or email.

When you edit a template, you can insert a link to the PDF file by clicking on the toolbar button to that effect.

# Your videos

Your videos are your training or marketing videos that you want to share with participants or prospects. If you run Online classes for example you can upload recordings. Activity Messenger even allows you to remove idle time by clipping the video. You can also brand videos by adding a watermark of your logo. Your videos are available to send by SMS or email.

Videos have unique URLs that are easily recognizable. They use the Activity Messenger's short URL scheme. For example

# Uploading a video

Click on upload to add a new video. Choose a file from your computer or drag and drop a file from your desktop. You can specify the name, the description and the recording date/time of the video.

You can also clip the beginning of the video by specifying the start time. Toggle the Watermark option to let Activity Messenger add a watermark of your logo. It will appear at the bottom right of your video.

Editing a video can take several minutes. If you clip the video or add a watermark, your video will take 10 to 30 minutes to process. Once done it will appear at the top of the list.

# Managing videos

Click on a video to play and manage it. You can modify the name, the description and the recording date/time of the video. Click on the Send button to send the video by SMS or email. Click on Delete to remove the video from the Media manager.

Deleted videos are in fact archived. They are no longer available to send. However if a previous email/SMS you have sent contains that video, it will still be visible.

You may also clip idle time at the beginning of the video. Click on Clip video and drag the time cursor. Then click on Apply and Activity Messenger will create a new video.

Editing a video can take several minutes. Clipping a video will take 10 to 30 minutes to process depending on the length. Once done it will appear at the top of the list.

# Pexels

The Pexels tab contains stock photos from Pexels. They are free photos shared by talented creators. By default Activity Messenger filters for sport photos. You may enter a different search term to be more specific. For example soccer, tennis, swim or kids.

You may also use images in HTML Templates you build. Create a block and click on the Media button. Then choose Pexels. You may search for a specific sport or theme to find a stock photo of your liking. It will be inserted in your template.

# Youtube videos

If you have a Youtube channel, you can set your Youtube channel URL on the Social & Integrations tab on the Organization information page. Public videos will automatically appear on the Media Youtube tab. They will become available when you send an email or SMS.

# Vimeo videos

If you have published Vimeo videos, you can set your Vimeo user URL on the Social & Integrations tab on the Organization information page. Public videos will automatically appear on the Media Youtube tab. They will become available when you send an email or SMS.

Next topic: Staff, users and permissions

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