Payment forms

Payment forms are forms with integrated payment. They extend the existing Forms that you already use for waivers and surveys. Just like regular forms, payment forms are standalone pages that have unique URLs. You can point your clients to the form, embed them on your website and even post a QR code on your wall for clients to purchase using their smartphone.

With Payment forms you can create a complete class or event registration in a single page. The form can include questions like parent, children, skills and preferences. The form can contain one item you are selling (i.e. class or event) or you can also bundle other items in the same form. Options are limitless. Best of all, since they are a single page, payment forms limit the number of clicks, steps and options a client has to make. Payment forms allow you to contextualize a purchase for your client.

To clients filling a payment form is a 3-step process:

Step 1 - Filling the form

The client fills in the form and answers questions. Answers will be used to build an invoice as per the question rules.

Step 2 - Invoice and payment

The invoice is presented based on question answers. A payment form is presented to the client.

Step 3 - Confirmation

The invoice is finalized and the payment made. The invoice/payment is sent by email to the client as an attachment in PDF format.

After a purchase is made, the client appears in the Respondents table of the payment form. A Purchases column shows you what was sold and what was paid. Click on a respondent to open up the Client billing.

Activity Messenger allows you to set up email notifications and configure the email confirmation message. More later on these options.

# Creating a payment form

To get started click on Forms and "Create a payment form". Give your form a name and click on Create.

# Designing the Form

Click on the Form tab to build your form. Click on (+) to add questions. In the Add a question dialog, select the E-Commerce tab. Choose one of the options available. You can also add images and text block by choosing the Content tab in the Add a question dialog. For example this payment form includes an image, an event/class block and an account owner question.

Consult the E-Commerce questions help page to learn more.

# Configuring the Payment step

Click on the Payment tab. A preview of the invoice will be presented along with the payment form. Click on the edit icon to modify the payment type. You can choose between Online (credit card payments with Stripe), Deposit (partial payment by credit card with Stripe, balance paid later) or Offline (pay layer).

Your customers can pay by other means. Checkout the help page Payment methods to find out more.

# Configuring the Confirmation step

Click on the Confirmation tab. You can modify the design and specify the message to display on the Confirmation page.

# Payment form options

Click on the Options tab. You are presented with extra options.

If your Payment form also serves as a contract, you can check the PDF option. The form will be captured in PDF format and appended to the invoice PDF. It will be sent to the client and also kept for your records. Ideal if you are building a contract with an electronic signature.

Activity Messenger uses a template for the confirmation email the client receives. You can build your own or modify the default template.

You can notify one or many administrators by email when a payment form is filled. They will receive a copy of the invoice PDF. A great option to notify coaches of a new participant in their group.

# Analytics

The Analytics tab provides charts and metrics. It gives you a summary of sales, payments and balance. It will also present charts for specific questions you may ask. Consult the Surveys and analytics help page to find out more.