Configuring Outlook or Gmail to forward Interac e-Transfer emails

You can forward Interac e-Transfer confirmation emails to Activity Messenger will parse the email and settle the payment against the outstanding invoice automatically. If you use Microsoft Outlook or Gmail, you can create a rule to make that automatic.

Forwarding with Microsoft Outlook

In Outlook, click on File and then choose Manage Rules & Alerts.

Click on New Rule. A pop-up appears. Choose Apply rule on messages | receive. Click on Next.

Another popup appears with two steps. We will be adding 2 parts to this rule.

In Step 1 click on the first checkbox from people or public group. In Step 2 click on people or public group.

Another popup appears. In the From input box, type in the email address you receive Interac e-Transfer deposit confirmations from. Usually that is It could also be Please add both. Click on Ok to save the first part of the rule.

Let's create the second part of the rule. In Step 1 click on the checkbox with specific words in the body. In Step 2 click on specific words.

Another popup appears. Type in AmInUmId and click on Add. Be sure to type in exactly. The words are case sensitive. Any typo will prevent the rule from working. Click on Ok to save the the second part of the rule.

Now click on Next to specify what to do with those emails. In Step 1 click on forward it to people or public group. In Step 2 click on people or public group.

Another popup appears. In the To input box, type in Click on Ok to save.

Finally, click on Finish and Apply to save the rule.