Conversion and tracking (Google Analytics, AdWords and Facebook)

Activity Messenger E-Commerce allows you to track page views and conversion on Payment Forms with popular third-party platforms. You can track page views and purchase conversion with Google Analytics, AdWords and Facebook.

Click on the E-Commerce menu and choose option "External conversion tracking". The following form will allow you to input IDs and parameters from those platforms.

The domain parameter is for cross domain tracking.

On July 23 2023, Google Analytics version 4 requires a new ID G-XXXXXXXX. The old Universal Analytics ID UA-XXXXXXXX is no longer used. Make sure to type in the new ID and remove the old one.

Activity Messenger uses Google Tag Manager (GTM). Data is passed through the dataLayer JavaScript global variable.

Note that page view and conversion tracking is not active for administrators and staff that are logged in to Activity Messenger. Google Tag Manager is only called for your clients. Log out of Activity Messenger to perform your tests.

When a purchase is completed, we trigger a conversion in Google Analytics, AdWords and Facebook. Extra data layer variables will be visible.

Note that a conversion is only triggered once per page. Meaning that if a client refreshes the confirmation page, a second conversion will not be triggered.