Selling products and tracking inventory

Activity Messenger allows you to create a catalog of products and merchandise. You can sell products in any payment form. You can even combine selling classes and products in the same form. Activity Messenger can even track the inventory for you.

Click on E-Commerce, Products to manage your catalog of products. You can organize your product catalog with tags to make it easier to find specific merchandise.

# Creating a new product


Click the (+) button to add an item. Enter the name, description, price, taxes, and accounting code. Your item can also have a SKU barcode and an image.

Choose the Type of Tracking:

  • None: For virtual items.
  • Pickup: For items purchased online and picked up in-store.
  • Rental: For items that will be returned after use. Choosing this option will adjust your inventory when the item is returned.

You can enable the option for price modification by an administrator if needed and decide whether the item will be visible in the online store or reserved for administrators. Set up coupon acceptance, payment options, and the necessary purchase form.

# Tracking Inventory for an item

Activate the inventory tracking feature and enter the number of items in stock. Your choices are Pickup or Rental. When a purchase (or rental) is made, the inventory for the item will be automatically reduced.

Inventory tracking is managed directly in billing. Click on E-Commerce, and select Invoices. Press Filter and then select the item to find orders. The table will display the status of invoices (paid or unpaid) and the inventory status (in stock or not).

Find your customer and open the invoice. In the tracking column, use the button to toggle between states. For example, indicate whether the order is in stock or has been picked up.

# Selling products

To sell products, you can create a Payment Form. Click on Forms, Create to create a new Payment form. Add a Products question. You can then select as many products as you like to sell. You can override the price, initial quantity, taxes and ledger code.