Users and permissions

In Activity Messenger a user is a staff person which has a user account. For example an administrator or an instructor. With the user account they have access to certain areas in the platform.

Every administrator or instructor should have a user account with Activity Messenger with their own email address and mobile phone number. Please avoid sharing logins between administrators.

To access user management, click on the menu to the right of your logo and select Users.

Add users

You can add a user with their email address. This user will need to activate their account to access your organization.

To add a user, click on the button (+).

You can add new users by sending an invitation via email. Ensure that the invitations are accepted so users can access the platform. There are different levels of permission, each providing specific access to certain features of the platform.

You can customize the invitation email by clicking on the button above the Users table.

Permission levels

Activity Messenger counts different permission levels:

  • An Account Owner has full access.
  • An Administrator does not have access to Billing. They only have access to Staff forms that you assign them. They can invite and manage users with Instructor or Guest permissions only.
  • An Attendant operates the point of sale (POS). They have access to the Bookings module and invoices. They can consult attendance lists, switch people to another class and send messages. They do not have access to lists, forms, templates and staff. They have limited access to financial reports only to allow them to close their cash register.
  • A Communication agent can send emails and SMS, and create/manage message templates.
  • An Instructor cannot make modifications but can track attendance and send messages. They can only access attendance lists and forms that were assigned to them, and messages they sent or related to those.
  • An Instructor (without messaging) cannot send messages.
  • A Guest has no access but can be CCed on emails and text messages you send.


Importing users from Amilia

If you have the Amilia integration, you can import users directly from your organization in Amilia. Each will receive an invitation by email.

To add users from Amilia, click on the Staff menu, and choose Users. Click on the (+) button. Click on the tab Import from Amilia.

Updating user information

Administrators and Account Owners can modify the name and permission level of users. If the user did not get the invitation by email, you can resend it. You can also revoke access by clicking on remove. The user will no longer have access to your organization.

Not receiving the invitational email

In the unlikely event that a user is not receiving the invitational email, please ask them to look into their spam. If it is there, ask them to mark it not spam.

If the email is not in the spam folder, the provider may have blocked the email address. This is a security measure when the address is not recognized by the provider. The user can add to their allowed domains list. Also, add your domain if you have configured the 'From' email address. Here’s how:

  • For Hotmail and Outlook, click on the settings menu (the gear icon). Find the spam option, and you will see a list of allowed domains. Add to this list.
  • For Bell and Sympatico, click on the settings menu (the gear icon). Find the Security option and Block senders and domains. Add to the allowed domains list.
  • For Yahoo Mail, add a new contact with the email address or the sender's email address. This will indicate to Yahoo Mail that the email address is acceptable.
  • For other providers, you can search the web using the keywords 'allowed domains' to find instructions.

Revoke access

To revoke access, open the information popup of a user and click on Revoke. The user will no longer have access to your organization. They will however retain their user account in Activity Messenger and may access other organizations they manage.

Testing different permission levels

You can test permissions by using another account with another email address. For example, invite yourself using your personal email address and assign the Instructor permission. Then, use a private navigation window to log in to Activity Messenger.

To open a private browsing window in Chrome, click on the (...) button and choose "New Incognito window".

You can then change the permission and refresh the private browsing window to view the different permission levels.


# Administrator

Administrators have restrained access. They do not have access to billing, Staff profiles and forms. They do however have permission to view users and invite instructors and guests. Administrators cannot modify the permission level of other administrators and account owners.


An Instructor can be a coach or a teacher. Their access is limited to forms, tracking attendance and sending messages. They can only access forms and attendance lists that were assigned to them, and messages they sent or related to their classes. You may also assign the permission "Instructor without messaging".

You can modify the message Instructors see on their dashboard. You can include links, and instructions. Click on "settings" button above the Users table to modify that message.


A Guest permission level is useful if you want to CC them on emails and text messages. You can only CC users of your organization. We therefore invite them to confirm their email and mobile phone number.


With Activity Messenger you can communicate with your users. You can send them emails and text messages. Create a New message and choose the Users option. Pick the staff you want to message.

You may also blind carbon copy (BCC) users on messages you send to your clients. Create a New message and choose the BCC option. Pick the staff you want to carbon copy.

Cancelling invoices and issuing refunds

Cancelling invoices and issuing refunds is a special permission you can grant to individual Administrators and Attendants. Account Owners always have that permission.