
Activity Messenger allows you to create and manage Newsletters. A Newsletter could be announcing an upcoming season, open registrations, news of the week, or other types of announcements.

Activity Messenger Newsletters are responsive webpages you can send by email or event by SMS. They are built to look great on mobile devices. You can even publish them as individual web pages and include them on your website.

Follow these 5 steps to set up Newsletters using Activity Messenger.


# 1. Write your newsletter

Create a new template and write your newsletter using rich text, images, videos and links. Find out more by reading the help page: Templates.

# 2. Send your newsletter

Send your newsletter by email or even by SMS. You can even schedule to send at a specific date and time. Find out more by reading the help page: Send an HTML email/SMS message.


# 3. Tracking

Activity Messenger will track open and clicks. You can measure the success of your newsletter. Find out more by reading the help page: Tracking messages.


# 4. Publish to a web page

Templates and sent messages can be published as standalone web pages. You can link to them from your website or share them on social media.

To publish a template, go to your template and click on the Publish button.

You can also decide to publish the newsletter your sent by email/SMS. Click on Communications, and choose All messages. Find your sent newsletter message, and open it. Click on the link "Publish as a web page".

# 5. Capture newsletter subscribers

You can invite your clients to subscribe to your newsletters using a Subscribers form. You can embed that form on your website. Find out more by reading the help page: Building a list of subscribers using a form and landing page.