How to send SMS/text messages for Gymnastics club

Olivier Rousseau
15 janvier 2024 Gymnastique 2 minutes de lecture

How to send SMS/text messages for Gymnastics club

In this article, we’ll explore how gymnastics clubs can use bulk SMS/text messaging as a key component of their communication strategy with their gymnasts and families.

Bulk SMS for Gymnastics Clubs:

  1. The Role of SMS in Gymnastics Club Communications
  2. How to send bulk/SMS to your gymnasts
  3. When to send SMS over Email
  4. Marketing vs non-marketing Texting
  5. Sending SMS to both Parents

Activity Messenger is also a complete Gymnastics Software and an alternative to tools like IclassPro, Uplifter and Jackrabbit.

The Role of SMS for Gymnastics Clubs

Text messaging is a simple & direct way for gymnastics clubs to communicate.

Texts are more likely to be read immediately compared to emails, which can be overlooked in an inbox or simply missed.

This makes bulk SMS perfect for urgent updates like  class cancellations and for quick reminders about equipment needs, practice schedules, and upcoming meets.

High open rates of SMS mean important messages are seen by everyone and acted on right away.

How to send bulk/SMS to your gymnasts and families

Sending an SMS/Text to your gymnasts and families can be done in 3 easy steps

  1. Navigate to the Communications tab
  2. Select the classes or list of Gymnasts
  3. Type your message and then send or schedule SMS

How to send bulk/SMS to your gymnastics club

When to select text message over Email

When reaching out to gymnasts and their families you can send an email, a text message, or using both.

The communication type depends on the content and urgency of your outreach.

For instance, SMS is typically the go-to choice for:

  • Immediate updates
  • Collecting last-minute digital waivers
  • Sending reminders with specific links
  • Following up with participants who haven’t opened emails
  • Reminding potential clients of a free trial session


Text Messages: Marketing vs non-marketing outreach

Your text messages are either marketing or non-marketing.

For example, a message about class cancellations due to a snowstorm is non-marketing. It’s a necessary, informative warning that affects your recipients’ immediate plans. A bulk SMS marketing your next session registrations falls under a marketing outreach.

Activity Messenger allows you to choose the type of communication so that people who opt out of the marketing outreach will still receive the important non-marketing notifications.

Text Messages: Marketing vs non-marketing outreach

Sending SMS to both Parents

Being able to text both parents at the same time is critical for any gymnastics club.

Families often juggle multiple schedules and commitments.

By texting both parents, gymnastics clubs can greatly reduce the chance of miscommunication, especially in the case of sudden schedule changes or emergencies.

More tools for Gymnastics Club

Activity Messenger helps Gymnastics Clubs with more than improving their communications with parents and gymnasts.

Replace your current Gymnastics software (JackRabbit, Uplifter, IClassPro etc)

Modern Gymnastics Software
Online Gymnastics registration form
Best Gymnastics Software

Replace tools like Jotform, SurveyMonkey and Mailchimp for Gymnastics Clubs

Email Marketing for Gymnastics
Gymnastics Attendance tracking
Gymnastics competition ticket sale
Liability Waiver for gymnastics class
Online survey for gymnastics club
Application form for instructors
Report Cards for gymnasts
Gymnasts Evaluation forms
Beginning of session notification
End of session notification



  1. What are the advantages of using SMS/text messages for gymnastics clubs? SMS offers direct and immediate contact with high open rates, making it perfect for urgent updates, cancellation and reminders.
  2. How can gymnastics clubs implement an SMS messaging system? A platform tailored for Gymnastics Clubs like Activity Messenger can synchronize with your club’s management software for better communications
  3. What kinds of messages work best for SMS communication in gymnastics clubs? SMS and Text Messages work best for urgent updates, changes in class schedules and reminders.
  4. What are some typical errors to avoid in SMS marketing for gymnastics clubs? Stay clear of over-messaging, sending vague texts, messaging at inappropriate times, and not providing a straightforward opt-out option for your gymnasts and their families

Écrit par Olivier Rousseau Olivier est propriétaire d'une franchise Sportball depuis plus de 10 ans avec des emplacements à Montréal, Québec et Ottawa, tout en aidant des propriétaires d'entreprise en tant que consultant en marketing sportif.

Start using bulk SMS for your Gymnastics Club with Activity Messenger

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