How to send SMS/text messages for Dance Studios

Olivier Rousseau
13 January 2024 Dance 2 min read

How to send SMS/text messages for Dance Studios

In this article, we’ll examine how dance studios can send bulk SMS/text messages and why it should be part of their outreach strategy when communicating with their participants.

Bulk SMS for Dance Studios:

  1. The Role of SMS in Dance Studio Communications
  2. How to send bulk/SMS to your dance students
  3. When to send SMS over Email
  4. Marketing vs non-marketing SMS
  5. Sending SMS to both Parents

Activity Messenger is also a complete Dance studio Software and an alternative to tools like DanceStudioPro and Jackrabbit Dance.

The Role of SMS in Dance Studio Communications

SMS messaging has become a reliable and direct communication channel for dance studios.

Unlike emails that may sit unread in an inbox, text messages get immediate attention.

They are ideal for urgent updates such as last-minute class cancellations due to unexpected events, or for sending quick reminders about costume fittings, rehearsal times, and upcoming performances.

The immediacy and high open rates of SMS ensure that critical information is received and acknowledged promptly.

How to send bulk/SMS to your dance students

Sending an SMS/Text to your dance students can be done in 3 easy steps

  1. Navigate to the Communications tab
  2. Select the classes or list you want to send a bulk SMS to
  3. Write your message and then send or schedule the text message

How to send bulk/SMS to your dance students

When to send SMS over Email

When it comes to communicating with dancers and their families, you have several options.

You may choose to send an email, a text message, or a combination of the two.

The choice usually depends on the nature and urgency of the outreach message.

For example, SMS is usually the best option for:

  • Urgent communications
  • Collecting digital waivers at the last minute
  • Reminders with unique Zoom links
  • Follow-up to people who have unopened emails
  • For event and free trial reminders

Read more about when to select SMS over email when communicating with dance students


Marketing vs non-marketing SMS

It’s important to categorize your message as either marketing or non-marketing.

This distinction helps you target your audience and comply with communications regulations.

For example, a message about class cancellations due to a snowstorm falls under non-marketing. It’s a necessary, informative warning that affects your recipients’ immediate plans.

Marketing vs non-marketing SMS

Sending SMS to both Parents

The ability to send text messages to both parents in a dance studio is essential.

Families often juggle multiple schedules and responsibilities.

With the ability to text both parents, dance studios can significantly reduce the risk of miscommunication or missed messages, especially for last-minute class changes or emergency situations.


More tools for Dance Studio Owners

This article has focused on how Activity Messenger can help streamline and reduce the cost of email marketing for Dance Studios. But the platform can do much more for your dance studio.

Replace your current dance studio software (JackRabbit, DanceStudioPro etc)

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Replace tools like Jotform, SurveyMonkey and Mailchimp for your dance studio

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Job Application Form for Dance
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  1. What are the benefits of using SMS/text messages for communication in dance studios? SMS provides direct, immediate communication with high open rates – ideal for urgent updates, reminders, and engaging dancers and parents quickly and efficiently.
  2. How can dance studios set up an SMS messaging system? Choose a reliable SMS platform designed for Dance Studios such as Activity Messenger and integrate the system with your studio’s management software for streamlined communication.
  3. What types of messages are most effective for SMS communication in dance studios? Time-sensitive alerts, class schedule changes, event reminders, and short promotional messages are most effective for SMS communications.
  4. How can dance studios personalize SMS messages for a better response? Personalize messages with recipients’ names and tailor content based on their classes or interests to increase engagement and relevance.
  5. What are some common mistakes to avoid in SMS marketing for dance studios? Avoid sending too many messages, sending messages with unclear content, sending messages at inappropriate times, and failing to provide an easy way to opt-out.
  6. Can SMS messaging be integrated with other communication and management tools in a dance studio? SMS messaging can often be integrated with Dance Studio software such as Activity Messenger, email systems, and CRM platforms, creating a cohesive communication strategy.

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

Start using SMS communications for your Dance Studio with Activity Messenger

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