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Engage participants faster with bulk SMS

Texting your customers is far more effective than almost any other form of communication.

SMS has a 98% open rate and over a 50% reply rate.

Here’s how Activity Messenger can help you better communicate with participants

Improve customer responsiveness and satisfaction.

Ever have to reschedule a class only to find a handful of angry participants show up saying they never got the email? Group SMS are perfect for reminders, cancellations and last minute changes. No need for your clients to opt-in or set notifications.

Schedule text messages

Schedule your SMS reminders, alerts, and notifications to be sent when needed. You can also automate outreach based on the start or end date of a session.

Push an SMS to those that haven’t engaged.

Many simple issues can be solved without a phone call. In many cases texting is actually preferable. 
 Reduce no-shows with automated class reminders and send alerts to multiple people at a time with bulk SMS

Maximize the ROI of your Marketing with SMS

Improve engagement and generate new revenue through text marketing. Promote events, sales, pre-registration and specials

Here are the most popular ways our clients are using Texting

Reminders and cancellations

Make sure everyone gets the message

Waiver yet to be signed?

Send a Text to every participant who has not signed yet

Promote classes and events

Use SMS to promote events and start of registrations

Activity Messenger replaces:

Adding SMS to your communications is a great first step.

Together, we can take your business to the next level. We’ll give you the tools to create payment forms, email marketing and automations to increase revenue

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