Soccer Management Software

Simplify online registrations, digital waivers, attendance tracking, league management and communications in a single tool.

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Online registration for a soccer academy

Simplified online registration for your group or private soccer clinics. Create attendance lists and automate waitlists. Make it as easy as possible for people to register and pay from a smartphone.

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Targeted marketing

Reach out to leads and members in a timely manner based on their profile with a marketing tool that integrates with Canva. Use Mailmerge to target your players with a personalized message and increase the relevance of your emails.

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Manage your soccer camps and clinics

Activity Messenger takes care of everything from registration to sign-in sheets, not to mention SMS and email communications to parents. The platform will even streamline your medical forms and evaluation forms for you.

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Automate SMS/Email communications

Whether it’s for marketing, reminders, or last-minute cancellations, Activity Messenger allows you to create email templates and send messages via text message to a specific list of people.

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Manage your Soccer leagues

Efficiently manage your Soccer leagues with Activity Messenger. Simplify registration, communication, statistics and match organization. You can even give limited access to the league organizer to delegate all aspects of your leagues.

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A better way to manage your employees

You already know how complex managing employees can be. The list goes on: contracts, banking information, vacation requests, timesheets. Most platforms on the market are costly. Activity Messenger, a simple (and less expensive) solution for managing your part-time employees.

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Replaces your other tools

Activity Messenger can also replace other tools like MailChimp, JotForm, SmartWaiver, EventBrite and SurveyMonkey. No more juggling (and paying for) multiple tools that don’t talk to each other. And were never created specifically for Soccer Academies.

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