Activity Messenger is Growing

Martin Drapeau
23 November 2020 2 min read

I’m very excited to announce that Olivier Rousseau has joined Activity Messenger to lead Growth. Olivier brings 10 years of operations and marketing experience in Sports & Leisure. He is the co-owner of Sportball Rive Nord, an organization which introduces sports to young children.

Olivier is an operator and therefore walks in your shoes. Both he and I are driven by the mission to reinvent communication for Sports & Leisure. We leverage technology to improve the way you communicate with your patrons, participants, members and parents.

Olivier has already had a huge impact on Activity Messenger by revamping the home page and creating an overview video. Check those out!

Olivier will be driving sales and marketing and will also be instrumental in orienting the product direction. Olivier has big ideas on improving communication with coaches and teachers. Stay tuned!

Olivier and I will share the pleasure of supporting all of you. Activity Messenger is still young and your input is invaluable. Reach out to both of us if you have feedback or suggestions.

✉ Olivier
✉ Martin


Written by Martin Drapeau Martin is the former CTO of Amilia who for 6 years helped to build the company’s product, technology and team from 15 to 110 people.

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