How to create a class in Activity Messenger

Olivier Rousseau
24 January 2024 News 2 min read

Creating Your First Class in Activity Messenger: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to Activity Messenger! If you’re new to our platform or looking to create your first class, this guide is for you. We’ll walk you through the process step by step, just like we did in our helpful video tutorial. Let’s get started!

How to Video

How to Click-Through guide

Step 1: Navigate to Classes & Click on all Classes🧭

First, log into your Activity Messenger account. Once you’re in, navigate to the ‘Classes’ section in the top menue. Here, you’ll find an overview of all your classes and events.

Step 2: Add a New Class ➕

To add a new class, look for the blue plus sign and click on ‘Add’. This is where you’ll begin creating your new class.

Step 3: Define Class Details 📝

Now, it’s time to input the details of your class.

For our example, we’re creating a dance class for 6 to 9-year-olds.
Here are the details you’ll need to fill in:

  • Class Name: Give your class a name that is easy to identify.
  • Price: Set the price for the class. In our example, it’s $200.
  • Maximum Attendance: Decide on the limit of participants. We chose 25 for this class.
  • Ledger Codes and Taxes: If applicable, add your ledger codes and taxes.
  • Tags: Use tags to categorize your class, making it easier to find later. For instance, you can tag it as ‘Spring 2024’ or ‘6-9 year-olds’.

Step 4: Set the Location 📍

Select the location where the class will be held. Click on ‘Create’ to add a new location, name it (e.g., Dance Studio), and provide the address.

Step 5: Schedule the Class 📅

Determine the schedule for your class. For example, if it’s a Saturday morning class starting on January 27th at 9 AM with a 45-minute duration, set these details accordingly.



Step 6: Set Recurrence 🔁

Specify how often the class will recur. In our example, it’s a weekly class every Saturday for 10 weeks.

Step 7: Registration Period and Membership 📊

Define the registration period by setting the start and end dates. If your class requires a membership or offers discounts for members, add these details in this step.

Step 8: Additional Settings ⚙️

You can also add reminders, set permissions, and integrate Zoom if it’s an online class.

Step 9: Create Your Class ✅

Once all the details are set, click on ‘Create’. Congratulations, your first class is now set up in Activity Messenger!


Remember, Activity Messenger is designed to make your class management seamless and efficient. If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is always here to help. Happy teaching! 🌟

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Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

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