🔔 Notifying admins when a form or waiver is filled

Martin Drapeau
5 October 2020 Features 2 min read

You’ve been many asking if Activity Messenger could notify by email administrators when a form or waiver gets filled. Well that feature has now arrived!

Specify one or many admins

In your form, head to the Configuration section and expand the Communication section. There is a now a new box to select the users (admins) to get notified by email. Select as many as you like.

Adding administrators

In Activity Messenger, users are administrators able to create lists, messages and templates.

You can invite colleagues and coaches to be administrators. Click on the organization menu (3 dots next to the logo) and select Manage users. From there, you can invite someone by email.

If you are using Activity Messenger as an add-on to Amilia, any admin from Amilia can access Activity Messenger via the single sign-on (SSO) mechanism. They simply have to go to the Apps tab, find Activity Messenger and click on Go to app. They will be redirected to Activity Messenger and logged in automatically.

Thanks to Kathryn from Athabasca Flips and Theresa from Phoenix Taekwon-do for this request.

If you have other suggestions to improve Activity Messenger, please don’t hesistate to reach out. We’re here to help!


Written by Martin Drapeau Martin is the former CTO of Amilia who for 6 years helped to build the company’s product, technology and team from 15 to 110 people.

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