Improvements to Zoom classes

Martin Drapeau
11 October 2020 Alternatives 2 min read

With the second wave of COVID-19 hitting us all, many of you are forced to shut down in person classes, and turn to online classes on Zoom. Activity Messenger made a number of improvements to its Zoom class module to help you.

Not familiar with the Zoom module in Activity Messenger? This is what it does:

  • Automates running of Zoom classes on Amilia
  • Creates Zoom meetings for you from the schedule of an activity
  • Sends reminders before each class with the zoom link. Send by SMS or email or both.
  • Shows you the roster of participants
  • Supports both session and drop-ins

Activity Messenger saves you hours of otherwise very repetitive and error-prone manual work.

Connecting multiple Zoom accounts

If you have classes running at the same time, you require separate Zoom accounts. A single Zoom account does not allow you to run concurrent meetings.

Now it is possible to connect multiple Zoom accounts in Activity Messenger. You can then easily switch from one to another to program Zoom classes from Activity Messenger.

Creating Zoom meetings for a class

Activity Messenger is built to create Zoom meetings for you by looking at the activity schedule in Amilia. It also allows you to override default meeting settings.

Linking existing Zoom meetings

If you already created Zoom meetings yourself, and would like to reuse them, you can link them instead. Activity Messenger will match the Amilia activity schedule to the existing Zoom meetings.

Programming reminders

Let the Activity Messenger Automation Bot schedule reminders by SMS or email to be sent before each class. Every day, the Automation Bot wakes up at 4am and checks for classes that day. It will refresh the roster of participants from Amilia, and schedule the reminder at the time you specified.

You can even run a simulation to make sure everything is ok.

What about last minute drop-ins?

Activity Messenger is now smart enough to send the reminder to even late registrants. Say the class is at 5pm and the reminder is set 1 hour before at 4pm. John registers as a drop-in at 4h55pm. Activity Messenger will automatically detect that and send John the email immediately after checkout.

With Activity Messenger you can be sure everyone receives their Zoom link.

Checking to see who received the reminder

The Messages tab of a Zoom class allows you to see scheduled and sent messages. Activity Messenger tracks open and click rates of emails. Before class, open the sent message. You’ll see who has opened their email and clicked on the Zoom link or not.

Activity Messenger has been helping Sport & Leisure organizations run Zoom classes since March 2020. These improvements come from your experience and feedack. Please continue reaching out with ideas to improve and simplify the system. We’re here to help!


Written by Martin Drapeau Martin is the former CTO of Amilia who for 6 years helped to build the company’s product, technology and team from 15 to 110 people.

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