Zoom Classes - Daily Digest & Health Check

Martin Drapeau
19 October 2020 Features 2 min read

Let’s face it, there are lots of moving pieces with Zoom classes. Activity Messenger works hard to keep Amilia and Zoom in sync, and to send Zoom links before the class to everyone on the roster.

Sometimes though, things can go wrong. That’s why starting today you will see a Health Check on very Zoom class.

Furthermore, you can opt-in to receive by email a Daily Digest of all Zoom classes.

Still not running Zoom classes with Activity Messenger? Click here to find out more!

Learn about Zoom Classes

Health Check

Every Zoom class now gets a health check, a mini report of its state. The health check looks up the class happening today and checks that:

  • The Bot is turned on
  • A valid Zoom link exists
  • The Bot has scheduled the message

If something is wrong, the health check will provide you with instructions for correction.

Daily Digest

Every morning, at 4:30 AM EST, Activity Messenger will send by email the list of Zoom classes for that day to staff and trainers.

The daily digest gives you the Zoom link, the time of the class, when the bot is programmed to send out a reminder, and how many people are in the class. If something is wrong, the digest will tell you. You can quickly jump to the class to fix it.

Opt-in to Receive the Digest

To receive the digest, go to the Zoom Settings page. At the bottom you can specify which admin user will receive the digest by email.

The digest should be sent to all trainers giving Zoom classes because it contains the right links to all Zoom classes that day. The trainer can simply click on the Zoom link to start the class.

If the trainer isn’t already a user in your Activity Messenger organization, you can invite them. Click on the organization menu (3 dots next to the logo) and then Manage users.

Written by Martin Drapeau Martin is the former CTO of Amilia who for 6 years helped to build the company’s product, technology and team from 15 to 110 people.

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